Item Collectors and beyond, What is OK and not OK

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xackery, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. Xackery New Member

    This topic is primarily a question for the DBG staff.

    There are various item collectors out there (lucy, magelo, eqresource, all have one for example), their intention is to sync in game item data to a website's database. Some go above and beyond and I believe is gray.

    I imagine what is OK or not is going gray area, case by case and subject to change, but is an area I'm highly interested in.

    I'm also not looking for a definitive yes or no, but more where I should be safe to look into extending when it comes to creating tools to assist the community, while ensure DBG is at least understanding this is not a concern to any liabilities or issues with the core game:

    1) Data contained with /outputfile categories. This data is made to be exported and reviewed by players, and can be repetitive to ask a player to constantly output to sync, so I'll break it down to in sub sections.
    1.a) Learned Recipes related data. If I collect packet data related to recipes learned, scribed, to help a player not require to /outputfile constant to stay up to data, to assist players in keeping track of recipes, is this OK?
    1.b) Inventory related data. If I collect packet data related to current worn items, bank inventory, etc, contained within /outputfile via a tool, for uses similar to magelo's main product, is this OK?
    1.c) Guild related data. If I collect packet data similar to what is contained without /outputfile categories, e.g. current level, notes, with the intention of syncing it to a site to help with guild manager, is this OK?
    1.d) Missing Spells. If I collect packet data similar to missing spells, to assist a player in guiding them where they may find them, is this OK?
    1.e) Raid. If I collect packet data similar to /outputfile raid, is this OK?
    1.f) Raid snapshot. Extending 1.e, if I were to track when a noteworthy NPC dies via the packet, and leverage a stored cache of the raid snapshot to assist guilds in discovering attendance, is this OK?

    2) Mob item loot/estimated chance. Magelo will tell you drop chance of items e.g. This information I could not find if it was OK or not, but in order to obtain this information, you need to collect the npc name, the current zone of a player, and the items dropped. Is this OK?

    3) Damage parsing/tracking. When a monster is damaged, this information could be tracked via packets (as opposed to the more commonplace logfile based e.g. gamparse style). Is this OK?

    None of these packets/questions are built to create anything that gives players an unfair advantage, or impact their gameplay. They are all passive, read only areas of Everquest to assist them in ways other MMOs may offer (e.g. WoW armory), and if you do say OK on any of these, and later redact that OK, just let me know, I'll happily remove said feature.

    Thank you so much for your time and any feedback given to this.