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issues with merc

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. iniari-TR Augur

    have been having an issue lately , merc disappears when zoneing , ( no slot ) have to either re-log or zone to get the merc back . has only started since the last patch. notably in pok / lobby.
  2. Lily Augur

    I've had this problem for awhile now, but lately even zoning won't fix it. I've had to log out and back to get my merc to reappear.
  3. Sinestra Augur

    Yeah I have had the merc disappear on me before while telling me I can't get another one but also telling me I don't have any. Logging will sometimes fix it or zoning, but often it takes multiple times and this has been going on for a year and almost always in PoK.
  4. Vanrau Augur

    Make sure to drop any kind of auras you have running. There is a aura bug that has been reported months ago that causes mercs to disappear when zoning.
  5. Piasa Journeyman

    Its due to Auras as Vanrau said.

    You know, the proper solution would be to have all auras drop on zoning, and make sure auras stay up for the whole duration in a zone. I am tired of refreshing auras, sometimes they drop after 5 minutes, other times they last a couple hours.