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Is there a list of AAs that are *not* autogranted?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bronk, Apr 3, 2020.

  1. Bronk Elder

    As I've mentioned elsewhere, I just subscribed from being F2P and I still only have a few AAs so the bonus applies.

    I wanted to grind out AAs before I hit the heroic button and lose the bonus.

    Is there a list anywhere of AAs that are not autogranted so that I can buy those first?

    I already know about tradeskill and merc AAs.
  2. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    If there are they are not important enough that any one has made a list. Someone once mentioned their Necro didn't get all and maybe some Spell Casting Subtlety

    Auto Grant and Heroic button are not the same. Auto grant will continue to give you all AA as you level for each level, unless you turn it off and manually earn them. Heroic upgrade will boost your character to level 85 with all their AA for level 85 but you would then have to turn on Auto Grant to have it work past that level.

    You can earn 4000 before you lose the bonus. That's a long time earning.

    edit this is from Fanra's site and it appears there are a few but not sure if this is recent
    Excluded AA from auto-grant:
    • Mastery of Alchemy, Baking, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Fletching, Fletching/Bowyer, Jewel Craft (Enchanter), Jewel Craft (Non-Enchanter), Poison Making (rogue only), Pottery, Tailoring, Tinkering (gnome only).
    • Arcane Tongues
    • Spell Casting Subtlety
    • Weapon Stances
  3. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    As far as I know, the excluded list is correct.

    Not excluded is passive Twincast, even though at least two raids have a step that will fail if you twincast. They are older raids.

    However, since the TLP servers seem to get all the love, I expect there may be a change made in those raids after TLP servers attempt them. I have no idea how hard it is to code, but if I was on the Dev team, I would just make a zone-wide debuff that prevents twincast from happening during those parts of the raids, rather than try and change the way the raids work.

    Or they could give us a toggle to turn passive Twincast on and off.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  4. Bronk Elder

    Thanks! Spellcasting Subtlety is certainly important.
    I'll have to look into the others.
    Yinla likes this.
  5. Wulfhere Augur

    Also excluded:

    General Tab:
    - Racial Innate: Foraging
    - Enhanced Reformation
    - Innate Eminence - EOK onward
    - Innate Run Speed - EOK onward
    - Innate Spell Resistance - EOK onward

    Archetype Tab:
    - Critical Affliction - EOK onward
    - Twinstrike - EOK
    - Weapon Affinity - EOK onward
  6. Inga Elder

    Heroic do not give HoT+ AA even if it is 85 or lower.
    For example, if you use Heroic on Free or Silver account, you won't gain Spell Casting Mastery 4/4 which is Requirements: Level 55.
    You don't have to care if you are All Access, but you will gain some AA if you check Auto-Grant after you use Heroic.

    Spell Casting Subtlety can be toggled now and my heroic wizard I made about 1 month ago gained it.

    Heroic do not give New Tanaan Crafting Mastery and Salvage. These AAs may be given when Heroic is introduced, but they are no longer autogranted.

    Heroic do not give first rank of Foraging. However, some classes have Foraging rank 2+ CotF AA and I think they can be autogranted. There are EoK Foraging AA, so when next expansion is released, they may be autogranted.
  7. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    EoK has not been auto-granted yet, so, with the exception of the Foraging (which falls under the TS umbrella), none of these have had the chance to be auto-granted yet.

    Heroic Characters give AAs through the Underfoot expansion. That is how they were sold. Similarly, AAs marked as Tradeskill, Racial Innate, or another non-expansion name are not auto-granted.
  8. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Spell casting Subtlety is absolutely NOT excluded.

    Simply sort by category.
    (The following answer is based on live servers. TLP autogrant may be different.)

    If it is not an expansion name, it will not be autogranted. Tradeskills, racial innates, etc. are in the category tab and are not expansion names.

    If it is an expansion, everything up to and including TBM is autogranted when you are of the appropriate level. Everything including EOK and beyond is not autogranted.

    My mage is 36/36 on spell casting subtlety which stops at the VoA expansion. I have not bought a single AA for her from an expansion before EoK (labeled, not based on launch) and she is maxed on all of them. The only categories I can purchase on her are EoK, RoS, TBL, ToV, Racial Innate, Tradeskill, Expendable. Also she is not maxed on Item effect, Progression, and the entire merc tab. No other categories are available for purchase.

    So the only AA worth buying prior to EoK are racial innates and tradeskills.
  9. GrandOpener Elder

    Time for a history lesson!

    Spell casting subtlety was originally just an AA that you bought--or didn't--it couldn't be deactivated. Some casters who really liked aggro kiting or other similar tricks intentionally didn't buy it. When autogrant was first implemented, those players made a big stink about their playstyle not being supported, so SCS was excluded from autogrant. Of course that made a lot of people sad because most casters did want it on all the time, and now they had to grind extra AAs just because other people complained. And still, once you bought it, you were stuck with it. No one was really happy with this compromise.

    At some point after that, the devs came up with the idea of toggleable AAs that you could turn on and off by "expending" them. SCS was a natural fit for this (and probably the inspiration for it?), so it was converted to that system. Since there was no longer any downside to being autogranted, it was added back to the autogrant list.
    Tatanka likes this.