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Is there a guide for an efficient level up or gear up route to catch up to live?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by MarttinPH, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. MarttinPH Augur

    I thought I would give live a try again, and I am not sure what the most efficient route to catch up would be.
  2. Lisard Silly

    purchase a heroic character, then do the 70-85 Franklin Teek PoK dailies to learn the class etc. it'll be slow to start but with autogrant and the heroic gear it should make soloing those levels pretty simple as you navigate the class and Zones. you could go back and do your 1.0, 1.5 epic as well

    which ever class you pick, just get yourself a cleric mercenary.
  3. Baldur Augur

    If you don't want to purchase a heroic character you can do the tutorial + crescent reach/blightfire moores and then start doing the hotzones for your level.
    Yinla likes this.
  4. Scornfire The Nimbus Prince

    If you've been playing on TLPs and are confident in your ability to get through the barren early game then you can mostly rely on Hotzones, Dailies and the Hero's Journey /ach for guidance. You can be PL'd to 85 in an afternoon if you feel like it, or just purchase a HC to bypass the low levels entirely and (Blessedly) come out with all your skills capped as well (Which is my least favorite part of PL toons). Be prepared to do a lot of reading (it's almost like taking night classes at Uni!), ingame and otherwise, to get a good grasp on your classes abilities and the newer features in EQ

    If you roll on CT Riou and Lisard can PL you *Nod*
  5. MarttinPH Augur

    Thanks for the tip. I will start working on the heroes journey again.
  6. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Get in a good casual guild on a Live server and you will have lots of folks who have done what you are going to do who will give you lots of good advice.
  7. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    2 heroics
    FV server.
    Both lobes of the brain working...most of the time at least? :D
    A willingness to try, fail, learn, try again...you get it....
  8. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    This is the most efficient route. The Heroic Character receives all spells, skills, two large bags, two medium bags, 10k pp, lvl 85 armor, merc tokens, and a mount. It’s actually a really decent time saver and a good value. I would say just in skills and spell gathering alone you’ll save 4-6 hours. Let alone leveling, gathering armor, etc.

    The next best route without a guild from lvl 1 is Heroic Journey + Hot Zone daily tasks. Find a friendly Druid to buff you and DS you, then set out on your adventure. This is the fastest solo path.

    If you can find a family guild willing to assist, this is the best option for either of the above scenarios. Lvl 85s can group with lvl 110s. And lvl 1’s can benefit from the resources in an active guild.

    Whatever you choose, let others in General chat know what you’re up to. Invite others to join you. Make friends. This is THE best part about playing.

    Enjoy, and Good Luck!
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.