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Is the que system working now?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by NromDuke, May 28, 2020.

  1. NromDuke New Member

    I see a ton of people in-game, I've been in que for about an hour now. I started at 51 minutes now I'm at 55m. Seems the same as yesterday.
  2. Overcast451 Augur

    Well - I left my account just sit and eventually.. I got logged in and made a character. Since I don't have time to actually play until this evening, I just logged out. So it should work... eventually.

    Also - when I went to make the character it just sat for a minute or two before the character creation came up. Just a FYI.
  3. War&Peace New Member

    Overcast451, did you press 'okay' during the queue or did you leave your dialog box with wait time up?
  4. Koniku Elder

    I left the box up, took a shower, made tea, then was in when I came back. It works
    War&Peace likes this.
  5. NromDuke New Member

    Anytime i press OK the timer goes up lol. Apparently that doesn't matter though, you still keep your spot.
  6. Overcast451 Augur

    I just left it alone - it didn't kick me at all. So I have two accounts.

    On one I got kicked the second I made the character and submitted it. It seemed to accept the name and such - then disconnected. I'm trying to log that account back in to verify the character was actually made.

    The other account worked fine. I didn't keep clicking play. However; as I'm used to getting kicked from the server select if I don't do anything, I've been clicking 'play' again off and on. Says a 55M queue now.

    Can't say which is best - but I would bet... that clicking play again doesn't reset your position in the queue - but I could be wrong.. and often am :)

    First day on Mangler was just like this. But by the second day, it had cleared up and I was able to login with no issues.

    But honestly - for all the troubles.. at least we know it's still popular enough to tax their login system. I guess that's good - keeps EQ around I suppose.
  7. Overcast451 Augur

    Haven't touched it for about 25 minutes now. It's still at server select - no disconnect or login just yet.
  8. BlurredReality New Member

    I just waited 70 minutes to get into the character creation screen, made my character then tried to zone in. Got disconnected and now get to wait another 75 minutes. My god is this frustrating.
  9. NromDuke New Member

    Welp, finally got in. Made a character and got logged out while the name was being checked. Back to 60min queue.
  10. NromDuke New Member

    Same here.
  11. Overcast451 Augur

    My character that got created and disconnected doesn't exist!

    I didn't touch it - and it just now logged me in.
  12. DamastaShonuff Journeyman

    Said 52 min wait starting exactly a hour ago...
  13. Overcast451 Augur

    Worked this time! Character created and in world. Thank gosh for 'copy layout' too!
    I'll be out again in a few minutes and back to "working from home". Good Luck guys/gals!
  14. Haeldar Journeyman

    The queue system baffles me. It seems it would be pretty easy to provide some better information to the customer. I mean, if it's a queue, it *has* to know your position in the queue, right? That would be so much better than giving an average wait time, which is pretty broken.

    I entered the queue at 5:40am PT and it is now 8:02am. The queue said 32 minutes when I first entered. I've clicked the ok button and play on Aradune a couple of times during the process to see different avg wait times (understandable since it's a rolling average and folks are likely staying logged in when able), but even the longest estimates are wildly off. I've never clicked on any other servers to avoid losing my place in queue.

    The funny thing is that the queue position also seems to be a simpler solution than the attempt to calculate average wait time. WoW uses this system in their queue and even when the queues are incredibly long at expansion launch, it's so much better being able to just check my position and move on to other things as I can see roughly how far I am from getting in.
  15. Dagenfehl Journeyman

    The time is highly inaccurate, the queue time is showing you the estimated time at the time you click the button (which says the same time for everyone, not the time for your slot). Which, it's impossible to estimate when someone will leave the game so the time means nothing.

    It would be better if they said "You are #33 of 400 in the queue" but they won't put that, because people will quit if they see "You're #399 of 400 in the queue".
  16. Chuuk Augur

    Been in queue for an hour now - it's up to 64 minutes.

    I wonder if I can beat my score of 69 last night!

    Get the hamster some freaking Brawndo for heaven's sake.
  17. versair Journeyman

    The only reason we tax their server is because they bought the cheapest, used servers they could find. bottom of the bin budget material. When your game routinely crashes when you hit 500 players, you know you have an issue. and if it never gets fixed....it speaks volumes about the company itself.
  18. Fightmilk Lorekeeper

    No it's not working the time shown is nowhere near accurate, I got in once by mashing with 32 min left. Now that I LD'd later, I went from 31 to 33 to 61/62/63/65 min. If anyone's actually logging in the time goes down not up. To say the least, something is broken.
    Umdebus likes this.