Is SOE Doing Anything about Krono Resellers?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Zandal, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Dandin Augur

    It doesn't. Subscription fees will just go into one large pot. And Smed will swim in it.
    Sinestra likes this.
  2. Slasher Augur

    Which is what they already do most likely. Then they take internal data based on users for each game and spread the resources out based on that.
  3. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    The machine hivemind will unplug you from the Matrix, allowing the sweet release of death?

    Anyway, the question on my mind, is how many Bitcoins per Krono?
    code-zero likes this.
  4. Cervelo Journeyman

    The big problem with these resellers are, they are farming content and taking those spawns/items from legitmate players and then reselling (be it Krono's or other stuff) for either plat or real money. Seriously, SOE can monitor this and close those accounts down.
  5. Tharrg Augur

    if they are not breaking rules.. nothing can be done... hence why they need a new Plat sink in game to get rid of the massive amounts of plat floating about...
  6. Cervelo Journeyman

    The rules needs to be changed, because these resellers and their schemes/scams is effecting the game in a negative way for the general server population.
  7. Mournblade Lorekeeper

    What SOE should do is make Krono's only sellable once from the original buyer who paid cash, non-transferrable between account after sale, with a limit of two (or one) saved per account at a time. This will get rid of the resellers/exploiters of Kronos, which will benefit the general population of the game/servers. Also, these resellers no longer pay for their monthly subscription to SOE due to Kronos, so there isn't a loss to them with their departure.
  8. code-zero Augur

    I get the distinct impression that some on these forums have absolutely no idea what Krono really are and where they actually come from.

    First off you can purchase up to 25 at a time

    Read it and Weep!

    Krono are doing exactly what SOE wants them to do.
  9. Rorce Augur

    I believe from a legal standpoint they can not claim the purchase as revenue until the Krono is consumed. When you buy a Krono you are technically paying for a subscription. To my understanding, they can not count the money spent on the Krono as income until this subscription is applied to an account.

    The Krono is no destroy, btw, so you could not buy one and destroy it.
  10. Mournblade Lorekeeper

    Get exploited by a small number of players that are trying to make real money from the game or other crap?
  11. Machen New Member

    Of course there is a loss to Sony if these players stop playing. If there's no one to buy kronos, people will stop purchasing them to resell, and Sony loses $ from those lost sales. One way or another, Sony is getting cash from everyone who is gold, and if a gold player leaves the game, Sony loses the sub money no matter whether it is coming directly or indirectly.
  12. Tharrg Augur

    Again the issue is that there is bascialyl an endless supply of Plat in game.. and people have placed a value on it. Put in a massive Plat sink that players can begin to unload on all that plat.. and we will see things come down. My suggestion is the revamped Casino idea... massive plat sink with tons of possiblities that would reduce the costs of alot of items and increase the value of plat.
  13. Mournblade Lorekeeper

    LOL! You think no one other the exploiter of Krono's buys Krono's? Talk about clueless. There is no loss to the game if these players are gone. They are parasite, not just for Krono's but named/spawns and what not. They hurt the general population of the servers. It would be good to see them gone.
  14. code-zero Augur

    reality check...even if there's a few people who are turning plat into Krono's then illicitedly selling them for meatsapce currency at a reduced price those Krono's are going to be consumed.

    Krono=30 days game time

    that's the only thing that gives them any value
  15. Kurayami Augur

    Sounds fantastic for single boxers. However, if you say have 3 or 4 boxes, and aren't dedicated to keeping them gold at all times, and keep most your krono on your main's account, this could be a 1 way ticket to leaving the game permanently.
    code-zero likes this.
  16. Mournblade Lorekeeper

    LOL! If they implimented what i suggested and you boxed 3+, its not like you can't get Krono for each account before they go silver. Seriously, your logic is flawed.
  17. Tharrg Augur

    I think the system is fine.... no need to change it. Kronos are being used to play the market.. let them.. The real problem is that Plat is not leaving the Game... so inflation is rapidly climbing as more and more plat is tossed around. The only way to combat this is to place a system to eat the plat in game to reduce the amount floating around.
  18. Mournblade Lorekeeper

    No duh!
  19. Mournblade Lorekeeper

    I disagree with you completely. The current system is flawed in huge ways.
  20. code-zero Augur

    In short you want to make things more difficult for people for no other reason than you are offended by the going price of Krono. You'd pretty much make them useless for people to try to keep going without a credit card. the changes you propose make the entire concept worthless to anyone except people who can use a credit card anyway