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Is PoP flagging truly an intended bottleneck to the Artisan Aug?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jhenna_BB, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I am, and it is. BUT, I haven't complained about it. I have merely acknowledged it. Frankly, I don't see WHAT could possibly be harmed if they increased the spawns for these PoP mobs. The loot is dreadful by today's standards, and I don't see anything else that could be harmed by letting people get flagged in a more flexible way. If you look at the artisan's quest, this is a very minor side part of it.
  2. Arcainos Augur

    Then don't do it.
  3. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Man, I just don't get how your brain works.

    I am already doing it. And making progress. That doesn't stop me from seeing that the 3 day +/- spawn rate for these mobs makes no sense, and from stating so.

    Apparently you just always accept however anything is, and never offer an opinion of how it could be better. Without throwing a fit and boycotting in the meantime.
  4. Behee Augur

    One other thing to consider is whether the instancing changes (slated to be worked on after they complete Luclin) will be available on live servers. Depending on how that is done, it might relieve congestion.
  5. Warpeace Augur

    It must make sense because people were killing these mobs as they respawn even before the Artisan's prize was introduced. Yes I agree the loot they drop is garbage but someone must have a thing for their loot.

    The timers are just fine, increasing the spawn would not be a good thing and remove any challenge / effort to acquire the aug.
  6. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Everyone in this thread that had zero Planar Progression could be done by now since it was started, or have made significant progress, without this fake "24/7 poopsock stare at screen" scenario people are conjuring up.

    Is that amount of time worth it for progress on an aug that is light years ahead of any of your other augs combined? Absolutely.
    MrMajestykx, Warpeace and Arcainos like this.
  7. Arcainos Augur

    yep, exactly.
  8. Arkanny Augur

    You all are lucky i'm not the one behind it, otherwise i'd make you drop to 65 when entering planar zones =P
  9. Triconix Augur

    Please tell me how sitting a character at at spawn point and being able to afk kill it is considered a challenge? It takes no effort either. It's a stupid bottleneck and luckily I had progression done when it was modern.

    doing progression was pointless, why do it? Plus lots of these mobs are killed just for fun so a player would have to track spawns to complete progression anyways and remove themselves from more important things such as exp, gear, augs, other quests just t have the novelty of having Pop progression done. Dumb rationale to a dumb counter argument.
  10. Warpeace Augur

    I never did say that. Where did you EVER get I said anything about being able to afk kill them to equal some challenge...please explain where you found that in the post???

    What I was referencing was people still camp these mobs for whatever reason for their loot and the utterly poor quality loot it is at that. So if that's the case their spawn timers must be just fine except to people trying to do the artisan's aug and want instant gratification for their kill and flag.

    Its a bottleneck, yes but its not something that will block people forever. Guess a bit of competition and detective work to know what mobs not to mention what pre and post hails people need is to much to ask also. People screw that up a lot and its in a lot of the guides highlighting to make sure you hail NPC so and so before killing mob X and then hail so and so in sick bay. Guess that's a stupid bottleneck also, but its could just be called paying attention to details.

    The challenge was to work with your servers community and collect the mobs as they are up working together. Not to say well this is stupid because as class X,Y, or Z I can one shot this old mob so make it spawn now.
  11. Triconix Augur

    I literally quoted you saying that changing the timers would remove effort/challenge. That's false. It would remove headache and afk time on a character waiting for a spawn.

    You ever think people kill mobs for novelty now? I do it all the time. It doesn't mean the loot/mob is useful. I make in era thinks often but it doesn't mean it's for an actual use other than my nostalgic purposes. Making these mobs instanced would be a good thing. If you think people kill these mobs because their loot serves an advantageous or beneficial reason, then I have a bridge to sell you. It's the equivalent of some silly company removing a 3.5mm jack and claiming it's to make the device water resistant yet there are other devices that have superior water protection and still have that jack.

    If they truly cared for effort, they wouldn't have made the main TS seals trade able for God's sake. The "challenge" rationale is a sham.
  12. Arkanny Augur

    I'm just going to leave this here, so all you frustrated people have a way to feel good about yourselves:

  13. Tatanka Joe Schmo

  14. Arkanny Augur

    Awesome little game, almost as good as robot unicorn! ^^
  15. Shash Journeyman

    I'm not sure if newer players * get it * And by newer, I mean anyone after 2003. We worked our butts off trying to get PoP progression done and some of us never actually completed it until 2011. So yeah, it's a PITA at these levels, just because you have to wait for mobs to respawn. Try going back 13 years and see where you'd be without a guild or a raid roster that could actually defeat said mob. It's pretty awesome now a days to just walk into a raid zone and whack the mob you need. But my question is...do you get the sam satisfaction we did back then? WE did that?? vs I did that??
  16. segap Augur

    I think that is the entire point here. The spawn timers and throttles were designed around entire guilds of people. Not around individuals. The satisfaction was about teams getting through it. Not about a single person camping a 1 second fight for days. Forcing level 105s to do this provides no challenge or real sense of accomplishment. The content was not designed for 105s. It's foolish to hoist it on them.
    Tarvas likes this.
  17. Shash Journeyman

    We had to send out scouts for raid targets that were up. Maybe there can be alliances set up, per server to do the same. Maybe I came across as..."Oh we worked so hard back in the day and you all need to do the same" I'm just trying to convey that ..yes it was hard, and PoP progression deserves respect. It was the most challenging EVERQUEST event at the time and I don't think it deserves to be minimized for an aug.. Just my opinion.
    Feracitus likes this.
  18. Kravn Augur

    I just wanted to say F those charm birds in PoFire.

    That is all.

    Dances likes this.
  19. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Someone forget the first rule of running through Doomfire? Always hug the wall hard after c1, yo! ^ . ^
    Dances and Sancus like this.
  20. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Getting permacharmed by those phoenix are a valid reason for missing raids, try it sometime!
    Dances likes this.