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Is gamparse legal to use?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Timmyboi, Aug 16, 2022.

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  1. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    I legit would like to know. In a forum post recently it was stated that software that changes the game experience is not legal. Many people say that gamparse is legal, but it definitely changes my game experience. On the live overlay, if my dps seems a little lower than usual, it tells me that there’s probably a button or two that I haven’t clicked. I wouldn’t be aware of that otherwise.

    Also I know that a recent gamparse thread was locked. I’ve seen a suggestion by a player on the forums that if threads get locked talking about software, that it’s an indicator that it’s not legal software. But it said that it was locked due to trolling, I personally didn’t see any trolling but maybe they can’t disclose the actual reasons they close threads?

    I dunno. I find myself questioning everything right now. I hope I don’t get banned for asking these questions. I just want to know if it’s legal to use or not, and I don’t know how else to find out without asking. It just seems like the chances this thread will be locked, or I’ll get banned, or my question won’t be answered are all about equal right now. But I still have to ask, because I still have a better chance of getting the question answered by asking as opposed to not asking.
    Janakin and Koshk like this.
  2. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Are you serious? You really started another post about this? Of course it is. Ignore the super vocal minority that seem to think EQ should be exactly like it was in 1999.
  3. Tucoh Augur

  4. Cadira Augur

    Gamparse is legal in the same way using allahkazam is legal.

    It doesn't manipulate server side data in any way, it merely reads your log file and translates it into something usable for you.
  5. MastShaman Journeyman

    It's not being banned for, but its not allowed either. Just so we're clear. People might not like that distinction, but it is out there.
    Fenthen likes this.
  6. MastShaman Journeyman

    Fenthen and Koshk like this.
  7. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    I would really appreciate if a DBG employee would provide some clarification. While I appreciate players trying to help, it’s my opinion that the differing assertions and claims from players that think they know best has really muddied the waters as of this point. I’m certainly not trying to offend anybody by saying that.
  8. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Certain people are trying to muddy the waters on purpose. Use your head and you'll be fine.
  9. MastShaman Journeyman

    This should make it clear:


    No Programs are allowed. Is gamparse a program? y/n
    Koshk likes this.
  10. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    Also I ask that players please refrain from trolling, insults, derailing, and any other activity that would result in this thread being locked without serving it’s purpose. I’m just hoping that by asking I haven’t already broken a rule
  11. MastShaman Journeyman

    And certain people like to lay over and take it, as more and more is taken away and rules are changed + acted upon without any warning. Just because it didn't effect you this time, doesn't mean it isn't important.
  12. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I think its pretty rude of you guys to get the gamparse thread locked. What is your problem? Take your juvenile issues elsewhere please.
    minimind, Windance and Raccoo like this.
  13. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Technically, cross-posting, duplicate threads, non-constructive feedback, nerf calls, and evading forum moderation is against the rules:

    • Cross-posting - posting the same topic or conversation repeatedly and/or across multiple avenues of communication in an attempt to gain attention for an issue. This splits conversation into multiple channels. If a conversation is relevant to multiple groups, players may post a link to the main conversation. We also do not allow posting a new thread on a topic that is already being discussed, as it spreads conversation out and makes it harder to gather the appropriate feedback.
    • Non-constructive feedback or comments.
    • Nerf Calls - Openly calling for "Nerfs" (blanket reductions to abilities) is not allowed. If you feel something is overpowered or needs to be toned back, post your constructive comments and explanations.
    minimind likes this.
  14. Aldryn Another New Member

    I sure hope not. I've been using it for many years and should be severely punished, imo.
    Winnowyl, RPoo, yepmetoo and 4 others like this.
  15. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    No player has reported a suspension or ban for Gamparse. I think proving an injury should be requirement to discuss or appeal specific issues on the official forums or Discord.
    -----Cinexa----- and minimind like this.
  16. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    I didn’t do any of these things, as the last discussion was closed, according to the CM, because of broken rules. If I broke any rules with this thread it’s certainly not my intent.

    Also, no offense, but I am asking (not telling) you to please refrain from this discussion as threads you participate in seem to result in vitriolic arguments and subsequently get locked. Not trying to be mean or start an argument here, I would just like an answer from the staff.
  17. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    For the final time. We will not give allowance to ANY third party software (not by name or type). If you decide to use ANY 3rd party software, it is at your own risk (whether for automation or not) and there will be no guarantee you will not be caught up in anti-hack initiatives.

    This is the only response which will be given.
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