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IS Boxer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mesc, May 15, 2020.

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  1. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Splitting up your audio triggers in different "trigger-sets" solves the lag problem. You never need triggers for all the raids at the same time anyway. I have a trigger set for each expansion, where I just enable those ATs I need for the current raid. :)
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Tarvas like this.
  2. Tuco Augur

    I've never used the ingame audio triggers. I use GINA extensively but I'm kind of annoyed at how much latency there is even with only a few triggers. I'll get the alert that mez broke after I'm partially done recasting it on the mob beating on me.

    Do ingame audio triggers work the same as GINA in that it parses combat log text, or does it read the game's packets directly and respond more quickly?
  3. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I hadn't looked at the in game system enough to realize it had sets. Honestly my favorite part of gina has been the auto creation of the trigger from the search function. I've been going nuts with it since I figured out how to make perfect triggers in seconds. The in game chats are so spammed it's hard to find what you want and the log files get so large notepad can't open them to search them. You need a parser just to find the text necessary to write the in game trigger. And can the in game system even use variables?
  4. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    It is still based on text in your chat-window. But I assume, it doesn't need to go through the filesystem to parse the text(I think thats where the lag comes from). you don't need to enable "logging" for it to work. I have never experienced any delay with ingame AT myself. :)

    Ingame AT can't use variables though, it only looks at text-strings directly. It hasn't been a problem in my raiding experience, as there is usually a fitting emote-text for everything you need.
    Tarvas and Tuco like this.
  5. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I can't answer the second part, but that is why I use GINA for all the dot wear offs and etc which are not time sensitive and are numerous in variety, but in game triggers for the repetitive alerts like mez break. In game mez break is just "Has been awoken by <name>". Since I am ENC I don't include the name, but on my alts I have the name so I know I broke mez.
  6. Nadisia Augur

    Probably a silly question, because you probably know it, but the loginterval is set to 0 in your .ini, right?

    In game, just type :

    /loginterval 0

    By default, it's set to 1, and it throttles the log file for 1 sec.

    With /logint 0, the throttle mode is disabled.
  7. Tuco Augur

    I'm thinking of trying it again, but when I tried this before my computer's performance went to hell, and I have a SSD :D
  8. Angahran Augur

    Now image being deaf.... the visual alerts are priceless!
    Duder likes this.
  9. Kurage_of_Luclin Augur

    I've tried in-game audio triggers and Gina. Gina works way better if set up correctly (and turned on). I gave up on audio triggers.

    Gina is also good for auto archiving the log files or deleting them. You can use up a lot of computing resources by not keeping the log file small. If the log file gets too big, there could be lag caused by the EQ opening the entire log file. Your computer actually copies the whole log file to the stack when opening to write to it.

    If your experiencing lag from game emotes to gina audio triggers, turn off the old triggers from previous expansions so gina isn't running too many search scripts. That helps a lot in raids.

    Also advantages of using Discord are that when EQ crashes mid raid, you can let people know and still hear what's going on while getting back into the game.
  10. Schadenfreude Augur

    I have to agree. I would love official support for a really simple key broadcasting system and it's well known the Macaroni auto-follow mechanic is much better than what everyone else has access to.
  11. Schadenfreude Augur

    I'm pretty sad in that I'll watch almost any EQ content on Youtube not matter how bad and one recently uploaded video was a tutorial showing you how to turn your boxes into a merc with illegal plug-ins. The first thing I noticed was that he was running a pirate version of Windows and the second was that the characters were running on Test server so that's a zero dollar investment to both his OS and the game itself yet he was more than happy to pay a monthly free to a scummy website so he could cheat.

    I mean come on now.
    Duder likes this.
  12. Tatanka Joe Schmo

  13. Duder Augur

    Code name for /\/\acroquest
  14. Schadenfreude Augur

    To be fair I remember Seber from the first days of Club Fu so like me he's older than dirt and I'm sure his English is vastly better than my Japanese or whatever his native language is. :eek:
  15. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Ah, LOL, in all these years, I'd never heard that reference.

    And yes, as someone who logs in two chars and uses auto-follow, it's a travesty. The old "running around me in circles but JUST can't find me" never ceases to make me laugh, cry, and want to break something.
  16. Cuuthbert Augur

    3rd party programs are like masturbation, we all know everyone is using them to one extent or another just no one wants to see any evidence
  17. Duder Augur

    His native language is English...
  18. Schadenfreude Augur

    Not possible!
    No more cry?!
    Duder likes this.
  19. Leigo You come here often?

    /peaks in..
  20. Kurage_of_Luclin Augur

    The problem with them incorporating features into their service is the load placed on servers and subsequent game lag. It's why people use Discord to chat. It wont lag out during a 54 man raid. Unless they just buy or develop downloadable programs that operate on independent servers, they could suffer even more game crippling performance.

    DPG could make big big $ if they provided premium paid services similar to macaroni on a bot approved FTP server set up with FV like loot rules. And the people who subscribe to that special server know where they stand and what they are paying for. Legit bot armies for everyone.

    They then could name one server Macaroni and one Krraft

    Then any toons on regular servers caught boting get a one way ticket to Krraft and Macaroni
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