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IS Boxer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mesc, May 15, 2020.

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  1. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    It really isn't.
  2. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Not sure about broadcast, but my logitech keyboard and mouse G buttons let me write macros. I can make a single keypress switch windows, perform actions and then switch back. This is EXACTLY the same as the macros in EQ. if ISB is cheating then so is every piece of gaming hardware out there. Fortnite isn't going to ban people if they detect the logitech software despite a single keypress being able to switch to a wall, build a wall then switch back to a weapon. Xbox actually encourages this in their eco system with their elite controllers that offer all of the same full programability (which is extensive on windows). Being able to crouch an aim at the same time... *mind blown*

    The idea that IS boxer is cheating, but hooking 1 keyboard to multiple computers, or using logitech's software, or playing with a Xbox elite controller programmed so you don't even need a mouse/KB in EQ... it's all the same thing. Pretending it's not is just dumb (not directed at you Whulf).
    Whulfgar likes this.
  3. Sine_of_the_Times New Member

    Kizant, it's not difficult to add gambit in a conditional, bro.
  4. Angahran Augur

    No, it is not.
    Anything it does requires you to be physically at the keyboard and physically pressing buttons.
    It does NO automation.
    Tatanka likes this.
  5. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Ignore him. He works for the power company and holds Intel stock.
  6. bucktoof Journeyman

    yes it's soooooo complicated to tash mobs and hit all your nukes or even setup simple allowable socials to nuke. farrrrrr tooo complicated... It's just a wiz thing, we wouldn't get it, its just too hard to even comprehend

    who are you kidding dude? nobody.
  7. Paladorfthemighty Apprentice

    I'm confused how Tuco's proposed setup used to circumvent the truebox rules on Aradune would be considered legal. Broadcasting is legal as long it's to separate computers?
  8. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Please. Read. It's not allowed on TrueBox as was said multiple times in this post. LOL.
  9. kizant Augur

    Post some parses then. We'll see how amazing a job you can do. :D
    Kuvani, code-zero and Cadira like this.
  10. Cadira Augur

    It never ceases to amaze how clueless people are about wizards.

    Like there are people who literally just think you sit there and spam the same spell over and over and somehow top parses.

    And, as would be expected, these are people who have never even touched a wizard making these baseless assumptions.
    Mongol311 and kizant like this.
  11. Nadisia Augur

    Ok ... :rolleyes:
    So, from the Rizlona & Aradune news Page :
    You see ? Boxing any more than 2 characters.
    That's the only limitation. So you'll be able to box on Aradune.

    In his post , Tuco is talking about 2 characters on 2 computers, one on his new laptop, and one on his desktop.

    Multiplicity is just a software KVM (Keyboard/Video/Mouse switch) solution, that's all.
    There are many solutions to broadcast keypresses and switch stuff over a LAN:
    • software solutions, like the old (and somewhat clunky, but it works with some practice) HotKeyNet, or Multiplicity, or whatever.
    • hardware solutions : keyboard and mouse multiplexers.
      I've already said that in another thread, but you can build your own multiplexer with a Raspberry PI, Arduino microcontrollers, a little bit of electronics tinkering and (limited, it's easy) knowledge for a handful of dollars (you can find PI3 boards for 20$, about the same, even less, for basic Arduino boards)
      That's what my husband made, he's nuts about Rasp and ARM ecosystem, and he made a lot of stuff with these insane little boxes : a 3D printer controler, a NAS, a personal web server (based on a small PI-3 cluster), MIDI controlers, and he made a multiplexer for his studio, because it's way easier to control multiple computers, sound effects racks, expanders, samplers and the crapload of stuff he's using with only one keyboard and one mouse instead on a spaghetti of cables and a lasagne of keyboards.

      And he made many other silly things :)
    We won't play on Aradune, but that kind of multiplexer system is perfectly usable for boxing.

    And finally, if you really think that nobody will find ways (legit, or not) to bypass the truebox limitations, you're delusional.
    There have been boxers, and even pure botters on any TLP server launched till today, so I guess I can bet a few coppers that Aradune will not depart from the rule.
    code-zero likes this.
  12. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I thought it was obvious he was being facetious. Since, obviously, one of the merc classes available is .... wizard :)

    Or.... wizzy mercs are by far the worst of the four, so maybe he's on to something! ;)
  13. Nadisia Augur

    It's not really about «topping parses».
    It's boxing after all, so for sure, most of the time, a wizard single player, with good knowledge of his class, will outparse any boxed character.

    And it's about the same for every single class.

    But ... it doesn't negate the fact that wizard is one of the easiests class to box for overall good results.

    And with some twinking, the good tools, keymap virtualization on the fly, and an intensive usage of GINA triggers, you can achieve surprinsingly good results.
    Twincast claw proc ? Ok, let switch on a pure kamehameha big nukes chain.
    Twincast is over? one click, and back to the bread & butter routine.
    Etc etc

    Gambit? Ok, let switch on another weave to maximize dps and mana regain.

    And so on.

    Sure, it requires a LOT of upstream preparation , a good knowledge of your tools, etc, a decent UI optimization, tons of shortcuts (clicking is bad, and slow :D) but you can get pretty good results with a boxed wizard.

    Not the BEST results, but for a box, it's an awesome and easy (no no no, don't hit me, not on the head o_O ) class to box ;)
  14. divirgmar Lorekeeper

    As an Erudite mage, dare I bring up the very American, perhaps a tad luddite-ish but in the right way, ideal represented in the story of John Henry? Also re-immortalized in the DC comic "Steel". Pip-pip, what-what. Such wonderful wisdom such as " If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" also from that era comes to mind that I can only imagine is self-chastising and burns into the soul of those that try to justify the use, against this core and fundamental- "the thing that makes you good" -ideal. The shadenfruede from this imagination is delicious.
  15. Tuco Augur

    Nah, I'll post what I've got prepped for Aradune once I get rid of this forum heat! It doesn't use inner space boxer.
  16. Tuco Augur

    There's always a bigger hammer!

    Nadisia likes this.
  17. Tuco Augur

    Bud, check out this sweet web-based wizard DPS calculator i found, i just need to use it to find the optimal DPS rotation and set up a few social macros to hit those abilities to hit the wizard skill cap!

    Whoever made it probably spent more effort on it than was spent making the spell casting system in EQ

    kizant likes this.
  18. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I haven't tried boxing, not even with IS boxer(im a single box wizard :) ). But my understanding is that most of the work is setting up IS boxer with various macros and shortcuts, in preparation for some "expected standard encounters" and generate a "standard spell-weave".

    This means you might not be able to take advantage of specific encounters: for example, high resist of a certain school of magic or exploit "stunability" in certain fights, or switching over to beams if the mob-placement/aggro is optimal. When to recast runes, for better survivability. When to back off that mob and let the tank regain aggro. Certain mission-fights may even require "proper" burn syncing in the group for optimal output, which might not always be at hand in a generalized IS boxer setup.

    However, I think the general main weakness with boxing is movement, especially if each group-member have to move independently in order to adapt to scripted fights. Most of the harder missions I have tried have been much easier with real players playing, they are much better at positioning. :)
    You can probably get far with enough preparation, but it is rare to see a boxer keeping all group-members alive when something unexpected happens.
    Nadisia likes this.
  19. Nadisia Augur

    You're absolutely right, this is the main weakness of boxing, when you need to move characters independently, or against some annoying mechanics (bans, summons, or random teleports, etc).

    2 days ago, I was playing with husband, running the Kael mission (a group of 6, no merc, 3 characters each), and absolutely not focused at all :p.
    The Avatar decided to warp at 60%, normal, nothing wrong ... but my goofy hubby was still casting Riotous servants with his mage while healing with cleric (and from the cleric PoV).

    You'll not evade me, goofy boy !!! ... and splat the mage :D
  20. Tuco Augur

    This is exactly right. Efficiency/Precision and malleability are often at odds with one another when boxing, especially six-boxing.

    Sometimes I'll really research a class to try and eek out another 10% of DPS by having them using some other tools or try to synchronize their APDS somehow. I'll get it working with a target dummy, get it working OK with farming easy mobs, and immediately throw it out of the window when doing a difficult named or mission. A 10% boost in DPS is pretty huge for a DPS class, but it only means a ~3% increase in DPS for a box group and it just isn't worth trying to coordinate those details in a tough mission where you're just trying to barely hang on and keep everyone alive.
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