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IS Boxer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mesc, May 15, 2020.

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  1. kizant Augur

    You can't really macro a Wizard. The class is far too complicated and requires a level of skill that no AI has the capability to master.
    Sancus, Metanis and Vumad like this.
  2. Tuco Augur

    Cydonia, SmellyFinger and kizant like this.
  3. Palamar New Member

    If you have multiple windows open, key broadcasting is where you press one button and that key press is sent to every window. So if you push spacebar, every window will receive that and all your toons will jump.

    It can be used along with macros and keybinding to set up some useful stuff
    Drpeppa likes this.
  4. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Yara_AB and svann like this.
  5. Drpeppa Journeyman

    And how does one set up key broadcasting ?

    This definitely seems interesting.
  6. eqgamer Augur

    If I wasn't stuck in my ways and hadn't been playing 6 PCs for the better part of 18 years or so now, I'd use it.
    GamerGramps likes this.
  7. Zamiam Augur

    if your using Inner space Key broadcasting is a software command using the Alt-shft R keys to turn broadcasting on and off ..

    there are different ways to use broadcasting for example . i'll use gribble for my example
    1. turn broadcasting on this will turn on broadcasting on all toons
    2. type /tar gribble [enter] this will have all your characters target gribble
    3. type /say ready go leave (whichever link sends you to the mission) in which case all your toons will zone into the gribble mission

    example 2.
    lets say you want everyone to cast a spell that everyone has in their 11th spell slot .. turn on broadcasting then either use mouse to click the 11th spell gem (if your spellbars are in the exact location) or use Alt - on the keyboard .. ( all toons will then cast your 11th spell gem)

    those are just a few examples and there are many many more you can do ..

    If you use Inner space their website has some nice vid tutorials as well .. its well worth the 15 bucks for a 3month sub .. imho.. ive been using the software for about 12 years now .. and I wouldnt have it any other way .. when you box anywhere from 3 to 9 accounts it def helps keep things straight and more manageable
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  8. Vumad Cape Wearer

    The only people who should care about the use of IS Boxer is the power company and people who sell computers.
    Xyphen, Metanis and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  9. Tappin Augur

    I don’t recall the devs ever say [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] is allowed. All that I recall them saying is as long as the program doesn’t interfere with the communication between the client and server, then that’s ok. However, [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] used to be much more than then a broadcasting tool, and program isn’t open source - so there will always be assumed risk.
  10. Zamiam Augur

    Its all about common sense (granted there are those who do not have any , so the EULA was created :p)
    Long as your not doing UNATTENDED game play then you should (will) be fine..
    That also means no warping thru zones or doing anything else that is usually a GM ability , however thats where that common sense comes in at ..

    if you have common sense im sure you'll be fine ..

    If your doing something that you know you shouldnt be , and you know it .. you run the risk of getting caught and suspended/banned ..
  11. Palamar New Member

    There are some videos on YouTube of setting up the software. Key broadcasting is a feature that is easily just turned on and off. However, I’d recommend setting up some macros and keybindings strategically. Specifically things like assist main character, sit/stand toggle, and auto follow are three of the most useful things to be able to broadcast. Then you can set up macros (burn, debuts, etc) along hotbars that you can trigger. So like each characters burn macro is in hot at two slot three. Then make sure each characters keybinding for that slot is the same so when you press it they all trigger.

    Here is the video that really got me intrigued. Also shows off the video fox windows which are awesome.

    Hope I’m allowed to share links like this....

    Daedly likes this.
  12. Zamiam Augur

    I believe you mean Video FX windows . which iirc needs to be done in Full screen or at least window on top of window overlay otherwise the FX windows are distorted . at least thats been my experience ..

    I personally dont like the video fx because you have to have the EQ windows on top of each other .. I like seeing my other toons windows below my main window
  13. Drpeppa Journeyman

    So to use broadcasting keys your forced to down load inner space ?

    Or are there other ways to do this key broadcasting ?
  14. Drpeppa Journeyman

    Or only one way to do this?
  15. Palamar New Member

    Ha, yea, video FX not Fox. Dang iPhone autocorrects.

    The only time the FX have been distorted for me was when I scaled them disproportionately. But that’s the beauty of how people box differently, I think ultimately I’d rather play with three monitors, but currently just use my laptop as I mostly play while the wife n I Netflix n chill in bed.
  16. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Read the whole thread. I put up two links. And ISB has NEVER been more than what it is. You're confusing two different programs, likely on purpose for your own purposes.
  17. seber Augur

    it is cheat move on ...................................
  18. horridG New Member

    MiRai has an in-depth series on youtube:

    Once you become familiar with the options you can use a combination video FX, keymapping and click bars to get a setup that suits your playstyle. It's well worth learning all the features.

    It also makes it clear that it isn't doing anything automated, you have to initiate each action or nothing happens.
  19. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I see your logic is as good as your english.
    Cuuthbert, Xyphen, Vumad and 2 others like this.
  20. Whulfgar Augur

    I have heard people say that there are keyboards that also key broadcast ..

    But no have no clue which keyboards those would be.
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