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IS Boxer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mesc, May 15, 2020.

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  1. Duder Augur

    Wow, you really like /\/\acroquest. That or you have never played EverQuest before. You are a firm denier of the truth so that you can justify your cheating. Responding to your incompetence was a mistake in the first place. Spin it however you'd like to help you sleep at night.
    Celephane likes this.
  2. Alena Elder

    Again - your world, your view, your prejudices..

    I play that game nearly from the beginning of its start. I played every single class. I played it in every possible way - the raid game, the group game, the solo game, the molo game, the boxer game. But I never botted so far.

    Prejudices, arrogance, ignorance. You are again wrong, wrong, wrong.
  3. dreamweaver Community Manager

    This thread has devolved into you all attacking each other and the question has been answered at least once in it. The thread is now locked.
    Prepared, Alena and Metanis like this.
  4. dreamweaver Community Manager

    This thread has devolved into you all attacking each other and the question has been answered at least once in it. The thread is now locked.
    Metanis likes this.
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