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Is Aradune 2 box on 1 computer?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by xayz, May 2, 2020.

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  1. Mink Journeyman

    Will be GREAT!
  2. Zinth Augur

    why so many questions on obvious things? Aradune is TRUE-BOX aka 1 account per PC... not 2, not 10... but 1...
  3. Trevalon Augur

    My question is: Is it 1 Main and 1 box or 1 Main and 2 boxes? Because the way I read it it says 2 boxes, meaning 1 Main and 2 Boxes...but I suspect Daybreak means 1 Main and 1 Box? Have they commented on that yet?
  4. Sikkun Augur

    Minpire likes this.
  5. Trevalon Augur

    Minpire likes this.
  6. Zinth Augur

    and has been answered by Dreamweaver too several days ago ;-) 2 accounts = that's it
    Minpire likes this.
  7. pinco Lorekeeper

    ìmagine a world were all the english speaking people would have the same accent and same spelling were a southerner from the states could understand clearly an irishmen or a scoth,were an australian asks for a rubber meaning an eraser and killer koalas arent called drop bears.
    wade_watts and Minpire like this.
  8. Brunlin Augur

    Nope... but who cant come up with another device to play EQ...its an old game, you can play it on a toaster. i mean 150 dollars on craigs list can come up with 2 devices to play this game easily.
  9. gladiatoreq Elder

    Hi Dreamweaver, any update on this?
  10. Sikkun Augur

    Dreamweaver has already responded about this multiple times. Links to responses are even in this thread, or you can use the staff post tracking button.
    Zinth likes this.
  11. gladiatoreq Elder

    He responded saying it's two characters per player, yes. This thread is about two accounts on one PC, which he said was forwarded to the team. If you're going to comment, please at least have some basic understanding of the OP.
    Sub_Optimal and TimeBreak like this.
  12. Sikkun Augur

    If you want to believe that their clarification that it is a TRUEBOX server restricted to 2 accounts doesn’t answer the OPs question, sure.

    But as they have defined Truebox and they have defined the server rules, verified they are correct and not a typo. You have an answer.

    Q: What is a True Box Progression Server?
    This is a server where each player will only be able to play one EverQuest account from his or her computer at a time. We want to encourage players to play with their friends on this server, and not just form groups of only their alts.


    Think my reading comprehension is safe today, appreciate the concern though.
  13. Magic Augur

    Sure we all know what Truebox mean, but on other Truebox servers you can play any numbers of accounts if them on different computers, so Aradune not same anyway.

    I see no reason why not make it 2-box server, anyway you can only 2-box and from one or from two computers not really make difference.

    For me will be easy to play from 1 computer on both my accounts, as for many others I sure, big box/bot teams will be bypassing it anyway. So with 2-box rule on Aradune it will be more friendly to casual players and will have much more accounts subscribed this way.
  14. Bard2019 Elder

    By this logic, it would mean that DPG isn't looking at the money that could potentially be made if everyone 2 boxes, which is very hard to believe.
  15. HoodenShuklak Augur

    They came up with Coirnav and miragul.

    All bets are off.
    Tucoh and KimchiGoddess like this.
  16. Sikkun Augur

    They are looking to make money off people who don’t want boxing while also releasing a server at the exact same time that allows unlimited boxing. Normally this would be considered a win/win situation.

    But all the RMTers and people who didn’t buy multiple machines don’t want to play on the server made specifically for them....
    Skuz likes this.
  17. Nolrog Augur

  18. dreamweaver Community Manager

    There are multiple threads on this topic and it has been clarified in the original thread. I will do so again. In one of the threads.
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