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Is Aradune 2 box on 1 computer?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by xayz, May 2, 2020.

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  1. xayz New Member

    Does what the GM said means you can have a limit of 2 characters, now are you able to do that on the same computer?
  2. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Not unless they've changed Truebox code, or the announcement called it a truebox server in error. Which is possible.
  3. Zansobar Augur

    No it is also a Truebox server which means only one character on a single physical computer at the same time.
  4. gladiatoreq Elder

    @Dreamweaver said that he forwarded this to the Dev team and will let us know.

    Based on other feedback, lots of us would prefer to be able to box from one PC.
  5. KimchiGoddess Augur

    He did say that, but he also said he didn't see a change actually happening.
  6. pinco Lorekeeper

    so why would you box on a server that only allows you to play only2 characters at the time when you can play on a server were if you decide later on to 3 box you cant ,scenario your doing your warriors epic but the warrior and healer your boxing dont have the dps to take the mob down,your wife or a friend have an enchanter or dps that you could box but you might get banned for doing it.
    usually when i play on a tpl i like raiding with a warrior but il use the enchanter to charm and kill stuff in group content with the cleric ch the charmed pet if the enchanter dies i da on the cleric get aggro with the warrior and camp the cleric it works most times
  7. Gremin Augur

    Then you belong on Rizlona where there is no limits on Boxing. Believe it or not Rizlona will not be the server filled with box armies, Aradune will be just like the last few Truebox servers.
    Machen likes this.
  8. Sokanist Journeyman

    in a perfect and fair world the box armies would be on Rizlona and everyone on Aradune were following the rules of max 2 charecters per person but...

    offcause we can only hope that the amount of box armies gets reduced alittle on Aradune but I wouldn't bet on it.
    KimchiGoddess and Skuz like this.
  9. Zinth Augur

    don't tell people where to play and accept he want to play there because (insert reasons) and as long as he follows the rules then he has just as much right to be there as you do
  10. ProgressionFreak Augur

    Imagine a world where there are complete thoughts, proper spelling, and paragraphs
    KimchiGoddess and Duder like this.
  11. Machen New Member

    Yep, but he shouldn't be arguing for the rules to be changed to suit his preferred playstyle when the server that has the rules he wants already exists.
  12. Xeris Augur

    like people think Rizlona is the place where the 100 boxer is gonna go and they must imagine it as like the landfill of EQ where all the toxic people will go. No, they'll be on Aradune where there's money to be made
    code-zero and KimchiGoddess like this.
  13. Gremin Augur

    That is exactly why I chose to place DHS on Rizlona, to avoid the drama you talk about and so I dont limit my players who want to box to their hears content...they know they cant do so on raids and are fine with it.
  14. Zinth Augur

    oh so people shouldn't ask for pop-lock, removal of pop-lock, classic start, kunark start, trilogy start... and you are the dictator that decides that? sorry but you aren't... DBG/DPG decides that, not you, so sorry you can't be the dictator here.
    wade_watts likes this.
  15. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I think you misunderstood.

    He means why change the rules of a new server to the rules that already exist on a current server.

    From reading back through pinco 's post he actually appears to be advocating for playing on Rizlona if you want to have the ability to play more than 2 characters total, but his wording is a little hard to decipher.

  16. Bard2019 Elder

    I can't fathom why it matters if one computer is used or two. 2 is the limit regardless, right? 2 is what's being enforced. So why further limit people that only have access to one PC/device? Unless DPG owns stock in some sort of computer reseller that we're unaware of, this benefits no one and won't hurt anything whatsoever, to allow both connections to come from the same PC. No one is getting an advantage or disadvantage. The playing field is still level and limited to 2.
    Sub_Optimal and Zinth like this.
  17. Sikkun Augur

    Less people will box with 2 computers than with 1. That’s the reason, it’s not hard to fathom. From the day truebox was created their intent per themselves was to get more physical players playing and less boxes.
  18. Accipiter Old Timer

    Perhaps. I tend to think it's a business decision. They spent time and money to implement TrueBox. Now if they remove that on Aradune, they have to replace it with something else to ensure 2 characters per person. "Something else" isn't free. We've seen them cut corners in the past and I think it would be in pattern for them to just stick with TrueBox.
  19. C3lowz Augur

  20. Sikkun Augur

    Cheaper to police people breaking the 2 box when you have less people boxing overall. Cost of entry to break the rules is harder.

    Now we already have people with lots of machines laying around that are going to attempt to break it anyway, so it probably doesn’t work out to much though.
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