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Is anyone gonna play tormax?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, Apr 14, 2024.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    Everyone talking about teek. Wondering where I should go
  2. AzzlannOG Augur

    If you want to be on a populated server, go Teek if that doesnt matter, look at the rules and see if either are a dealbreaker.
    Tormax will be fairly empty and very chill, Teek not so much.
  3. Vortalis New Member

    Tormax sadly will be very low population at the start for a new TLP. Which will only make it trail off even faster. It's pretty much just a Vanilla TLP we've done to death. Teek will be awesome minus the terrible name.
    Brontus likes this.
  4. Zansobar Augur

    Very few will be on Tormax at launch, if the ruleset stays as is, and even fewer will be on Tormax in a couple months after. I would think it could be the first TLP server to be shut down or just merged with a Live server many years before it would get to Live.
  5. Rooksmirk Journeyman

    In theory, Tormax is predicted to be low population. But we all know that at launch, Teek will be so crowded , people will log on tormax out of frustration. That's what happened on Aradune for a couple weeks. Since Daybreak or Darkpaw acknowledged that tlp 's are not their priority, i doubt they won't do anything to prevent the initial logging problem. Let's hope they do tho.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'll probably play both.
  7. Intercept Augur

    Tormax for sure, might check out teek but random is not my idea of fun.

    Tormax will be fine, theres a reason this game is still around after 25 years and it isn't because of new gimmicks
    Ilshade likes this.
  8. Celatusp99 Augur

    Random loot was way more fun than I though it would be, also free trade makes it much easier to have alts and personas. I agree though Tormax will be fine.
  9. Lamberduim Elder

    What is personas
  10. Celatusp99 Augur

    Personas are like alts that share an inventory/bank with your main.
  11. Demetri Augur

    Asian RPG franchise where you collect spirits to fight for you... oh wait, wrong forum...

    "Class switching" is fundamentally what persona's are - you can switch your Warrior into a Cleric when you want to (with zone restrictions to "safe zones/hometowns" for the switch) including a shared inventory - so you don't have to spend an hour trading gear around - albeit at the cost of inventory space being more of a premium as a result.
  12. Kahna Augur

    To piggy back off of this. . .

    Personas share
    • Tradeskills (class specific tradeskills are still class specific)
    • Keys/Flags
    • Achievements
    • Bank and inventory
    • Name
    • Guild/Fellowship Affiliation
    Personas don't share
    • Buffs
    • AAs
    • Levels
    • Faction
    • Hotkeys/loadouts
    • Origin or Bind point
    Each persona saves the gear set you were wearing when you last swapped out of it and puts it all back on when you swap back
  13. Toothpick New Member

    Personas will be on TLP?
  14. Kahna Augur

  15. Tachyon Augur

    yes but secondary
  16. Tachyon Augur

    so if i'm 50 necro and make a wizzy persona, i'm level 1, but can level up and eventually self port and become my necro at will?
  17. Demetri Augur

    To clarify the "Yes" above - assuming you purchased the most recent live xpac, Laurion's Song they will be.

    It is not a feature available separate from xpac purchase currently (nor would I expect it to until 2025 at the earliest)
  18. Demetri Augur

    Not exactly - due to the fact that you can only switch in towns and other "quick camp" areas - most likely your ports won't be too handy, although they may save SOME portion of runs.

    i.e. if you're going to Guk from Kunark - you could port to CT, invis, run into Grobb, switch personas, invis and then run past the guards on your way to Guk.

    If say you were going to MM on the other hand, since GFay is safe for persona switching, you could port straight to GFay and switch immediately I believe. (maybe you have to get closer to the city than just zoning in though? Not cared to test switching there)
  19. Kahna Augur

    Yes and no. You can only swap personas in starting cities of no-buff-decay zones. So. Your necro could go to the nearest city, swap, port as a wizard, go to the nearest city and swap back to necro. Or you just carefully plan your personas origin points to get you everywhere you need to be.
    Tachyon likes this.
  20. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    I heard even King Tormax is wondering if he should even spawn on the TLP coming up in his name, as there won't be anyone to fight him :p
    dwiguslowater likes this.