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Invisibility Versus Undead

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Iven, Jun 19, 2022.

  1. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Category: Spell stacking [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Sun Jun 19 17:01:45 2022

    This is about stacking consistency between invis to undead and invis spells.
    Here the stacking results for the magician and enchanter classes:

    Perfected Invisibility to Undead (AA) and Invisibility (spell) do not stack. (because PItU does take hold first)
    Perfected Invisibility to Undead (AA) and Suppression Field (spell) do not stack. (because PItU does take hold first)
    Perfected Invisibility to Undead (AA) and Group Perfected Invisibility (AA) do not stack. (if Group Perfected Invisibility is taking hold second which is the case without super exact timing)
    Group Perfected Invisibility to Undead (AA) and Invisibility (spell) do not stack. (if invisibility is taking hold second)

    Invisibility Versus Undead (spell) and Invisibility (spell) do stack.
    Invisibility Versus Undead (spell) and Improved Invisibility (spell) do stack.
    Invisibility Versus Undead (spell) and Suppression Field (spell) do stack.
    Invisibility Versus Undead (spell) and Veil of Elements (spell) do stack.
    Invisibility Versus Undead (spell) and Perfected Invisibility (AA) do stack.
    Invisibility Versus Undead (spell) and Group Perfected Invisibility (AA) do stack.
    Group Perfected Invisibility to Undead (AA) and Veil of Elements (spell) do stack.
    Group Perfected Invisibility to Undead (AA) and Perfected Invisibility (AA) do stack.
    Group Perfected Invisibility to Undead (AA) and Group Perfected Invisibility (AA) do stack.

    Another consistency issue is that there are two spell lines:
    Invisibility Versus Undead and Invisibility To Undead.
    Those shoud be merged into Invisibility To Undead (ITU) to
    prevent confusion with the invulnerability spells which are sometimes
    called IVU or INVU just like or similar like Invisibility Versus Undead.

    https://everquest.allakhazam.com/search.html?q=Invisibility to undead
    https://everquest.allakhazam.com/search.html?q=Invisibility Versus Undead
    Andarriel, A_ranger001 and Tropi like this.
  2. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    There are two forms of invisibility / invisibility to/vs undead: Stable and Unstable. Stable means it lasts the full duration unless you take an offensive action. Unstable means it can randomly fade at any time. Otherwise, they function the same.

    Any form of invisibility will overwrite any form of invis to/vs undead.
    Any form of invis to/vs undead will not overwrite regular invisibility.

    Cast regular invis first, then the undead version. Or make friends with a Bard.
    Andarriel likes this.
  3. Iven Suggestions Bard


    I was able to reproduce the Invis > IvU / ItU buff order rule on all spell combinations that I tested and I have updated the decriptions. So it is not a bug and instead just a weird (legacy ?) buff stacking order that I did forgot about.

    Regarding the stable and unstable buff versions that info should be noted to the spell descriptions as it is difficult to distinguish them. A conversion merge into stable only versions might still be an option for higher level spells and AAs.

    The buff names on the AA hotkeys are definetly messed up:
    Perfected Invisibility To Undead does create a hotbutton named "Perfect IVU" ! Same for the Group Perfected Invisibility To Undead version which does create a hotbutton named "Group Perf IVU". It's obviously that even the devs got puzzled by this oddity. :D
  4. theonepercent Augur

    It is a bug, just one they're not going to fix. ...I hope.
  5. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Beginning to memorize Blanket of Forgetfulness...
    You have finished memorizing Blanket of Forgetfulness.
    /tar devs
    /cast 1
  6. Wulfhere Augur

    There are 4 SPA involved and I think this is not a bug (it's all by design).

    Invis (SPA 12 and 314) does cancel IVU (SPA 28 and 315) and that is what's happening. IVU does not cancel Invis. But there is some order dependency as to what happens between them. In fact you can have at least 4 SPA of invisibility at the same time if you receive them in a particular order. For example:

    SPA 12 (unstable)
    SPA 28 (unstable)
    SPA 314 (fixed duration)
    SPA 315 (fixed duration)

    Once SPA 12 or 314 has landed then the other 3 can land in any order.

    reposted from: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq...ange-than-the-invis-part.263938/#post-3882896 and https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq...ange-than-the-invis-part.263938/#post-3884969 (that Niente liked)