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Info Needed Inventory UI flicker and delayed updates on item count after patch.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Swiss, Aug 16, 2023.

  1. Swiss Augur

    Every time you move an item or consume an item from a stack all the numbers on stacks flicker and the power source depletion bar in bags as well, the one on the right side of power source in bag.

    The delay was 6-7 seconds from consuming an item to the stack being updated or the item fully disappearing if it was the last in stack.

    Should be easily repeatable just move an item in inventory or from a stack for flicker and consume a stack item to see the delay on it actually disappearing from inventory, this may also apply to items without the number/stack count but I can't think of one to test.
    ChiiChii, Grok, Rondor and 14 others like this.
  2. Aanuvane Augur

    I just noticed a weird flicker/pause as I was withdrawing items from my parcels - the selected line in the parcel window flickers/pulses three times quickly before it moves the item out of the parcel window and into my inventory.
  3. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Go to options (ALT+O) .. Display tab.. Uncheck Use New UI Engine.
    Log completely out of the game.. start eq again. Now all flickers, selecter window rebounding and mail icon fixed.

    I find it hard to believe that now you have to actually log out to do default.
    Actually default.
    I have custom pieces in my ui folder and the rest is guess default like it used to be and things are working smoothly, picking items in and out of inventory work without glitching/blinking too.
  4. Angahran Augur

    Also does the same thing when you're autocombining tradeskills, really annoying!
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Did this and my whole screen flickers.
    Angahran and Veteran_BetaTester like this.
  6. Mikana Augur

    I had swapped back to using the old UI, as soon as the unfinished new UI was pushed live. Everything has been fine, until this patch, and now I started to get the flashing effect, regardless of the state of the tickbox (restarting EQ each time I toggled it).

    Not only is the new UI not fit for purpose, you've managed to break the old one as well.

    Well done.
    Yinla likes this.
  7. Aanuvane Augur

    I have reverted to original UI via options on all my accounts and I'm still getting weird flickers.
  8. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I noticed something similar happening when trying to add stuff to the Dragon Horde...the whole window and/or whatever is highligted will flicker for a couple of seconds.

    This is while using the old UI.
    Madeni likes this.
  9. Annastasya Augur

    Ditto the weird random flickering parts of the UI after the latest patch. Tradeskills, Parcels, moving things in and out of anything that isnt the inventory box.
  10. Swiss Augur

    It seems like it is worse this week somehow? now one of my chat box and extended target window flicker as well every time an item moves.
  11. Fenanebae Terrwyn Elder

    This is not true at all. I use Vert UI and even selecting this and restarting I get flickers when I summon food or make any tradeskill item or withdraw from parcels or get any new item.

    Do not put blanket statements out there just because it works for you.
  12. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    If it "works for you" ME, it wouldn't be a blank statement.
  13. Angahran Augur

    UI still flickers, especially annoying while autocombining tradeskills.
    Cursor icons still duplicated.
    Icons in hotbars still take up to 5 seconds, if not longer, to display.

    Glad it's working for you but don't say "it's fixed" when it isn't.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  14. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    And when you go into trader mode it takes a bit to populate the items in the trader bags.
    Rondor and Angahran like this.
  15. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    I have been noticing lately that EQ has a memory leak or something. The longer an account is logged in, the laggier it gets and items swapping, bags, boxes, banks, parcels etc become very glitchy, sometimes a full 2-4 seconds one copy of an item on cursor and one in bag, just hanging waiting fr it to resolve vs the two extraplanar trade satchels worth of slots. Rebooting fixes it for awhile, but hours later the lag builds again. This happens on multiple PCs with different OS and specs.
  16. Velisaris_MS Augur

    The memory leak issue has always been there in EQ...that's not new. What's new is this UI garbage that makes the old issues even worse so that everyone notices it.
  17. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    That's a different topic, file a bug. :)
  18. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    I disagree from this last patch, it has cured a lot of issues for me.
  19. Metanis Bad Company

    It would probably be a good thing if the Devs are testing this stuff on a few older boxes with antique video cards and drivers.
  20. ajschliewe Elder

    There's also delay when switching hotbar pages for linked items as well. It takes like 5 seconds for the links to be active or for the item link to appear (if there was an item link in the same position on the original hotbar page). I get the flickering when selecting stackable items. I use AYA UI.
    Herf likes this.