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Interesting Holly tweet... (Real instancing on No-Box?)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vaclav, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. Vaclav Augur

  2. Riou EQResource

    Sounds like same zone instancing that is going on now
    Simone likes this.
  3. Rhodz Augur

    Not dumping another minute into a TLP until something a lot firmer than an implication is made and some hard details emerge.
    sihpa likes this.
  4. Vaclav Augur

    When she was responding to someone commenting "@everquest @TheWindstalker if only my interest in EQ hadn't been crushed by bot armies and anti-instancing on RF and LJ"?

    Seems odd to say one thing is going to be different from RF/LJ while reinforcing another will be the same... it's not impossible of course, thus why I phrased it as something that seems like a possible hint rather than an absolute, but would be rather odd to phrase thing such a way.
  5. taliefer Augur

    that phrasing seems to imply full blown instancing. theyve always called what we have on rage and lock as "load balanced zones", not instanced zones.

    dont wanna get my hopes up tho
  6. Silv Augur

    So the no box server is now a no "bot" server but boxing is okay... Um... o_O

    Yeah... can't wait to see how they manage that.

    If they do instance *everything* I'm definitely gonna stroll on over to try that out. Someone put together the mainly-live-raiders-instanced TLP-guild now!
  7. Vaclav Augur

    I'm sure there will be more details for sure if such a thing is actually happening...

    Also keep in mind for other evidence of such - they are already officially doing full fledged expedition style instancing for Plane of Fear and Hate for 75-105 (scaling to highest player level) as part of the new Live expansion - so they're already working on some old school instancing already which theoretically would be expandable a few more levels lower to be appropriate for a TLP audience.

    I'm not holding my breath (god know's I've learned not to on the subject) - but I went from giving it a 5% chance of happening for No-Box to a 50% one (maybe even higher, just found the Tweet today even though its a few days old) with this Tweet + the Expansion instancing potential implication.
  8. Riou EQResource

    Well it was always going to allow Boxing (because they don't want families to not play together and they can't enforce it 24/7 by GM's), if they still plan it it will just be you have to use more then 1 physical PC to box.
    Vaclav and Silv like this.
  9. Tulgin Augur

    I disagree.

    It was said to be a no box server, which implies no boxing...

    Now it's "no bots (real boxing)" only. I used to box back during PoP era, never ever used multiple PC's. You'd be pretty crazy to use multiple PC's to box on EQ, sorry.

    So what I think is meant by "no bots (real boxing)" is either no I S Boxer, or no M Q. The question is, are we referring to what noobs think botting is (multiple actions performed with 1 key press), or is it the real botting where you aren't using any input.

    Holly said they are working with M Q developers, which leads me to think M Q will be disabled on the new server. I really doubt they are working with I S Boxer dev's, I could be wrong, I can't imagine it's possible to disable it on a specific server anyway.

    Now it's a "real boxing" server, mage boxes will still be rampant because you can get away with just using I S boxer and still be pretty efficient.

    If this is the case, it's going to be no different from the current TLP servers, apart from possibly raid instancing?

    But how about "Real Boxing", what on earth is that? Multiple PC's, multiple mouse and keyboards? That's not real boxing, that's stupidity. So I don't think it implies that. But then again after the whole casuals shouldn't raid debacle, who knows what to expect.

    Really would like some clarification on the box stance. Because originally it was no box server, judging by the tweet that is no longer the case.
  10. lalaloup Augur

    Crazy to box eq on multiple machines?

    There really are people out there that have multi-tower/monitor set ups for purposes other than gaming, contrary to what living-in-moms-basement style stereotyping might have some thinking.

    Hopefully people can have patience until the launch date is actually announced. It's highly likely details and how (or if) they are going to define boxing/botting are still being hammered out at this stage.
  11. taliefer Augur

    much more interested in the instancing comment than what is or isnt boxing. people gonna find a way around that no matter what they do.
  12. Vaclav Augur

    Indeed, no matter what they do, a few will work around it even if it's via a bazillion machines in a single room - and even the simplest implementation should reduce it pretty drastically while not eliminating it. [in other words we already know boxing will be reduced drastically be it to 1% or 10% - it's going to be much less with what they've already said, but at the same time we know it won't be 0%]

    The instancing implication however is a fascinating possibility if it's meant how I (and you + others thusfar) are reading it.
  13. Catashe Augur

    If I had to choose between no bot or no box but not both.. Id definitely choose a No Bot server... Being able to control 6+ boxes with a push of one button instead of actually have to old school box it up is drastically different... No 20 mages all pets attacking and casting a spell with 1 button is what kills it for me...
  14. ethyre Augur

    Don't be sorry - being wrong comes naturally to many people.

    I 3 and 4 boxed on multiple PCs: two Nvidia-equipped laptops and two desktops. Back then performance sucked for multiple instances and switching between screens was risky so I found separate unconfusable keyboards so much easier.

    I've tried multi-boxing on single pc when in a pinch but it sucks.
  15. Tudadar Augur

    I really hope this is a joke. WORKING with M Q developers? When did devs stop trying to hunt down / ban people that used and switched their stance on it to look the other way and work with them when lots of people play legit at a disadvantage? If devs are working with them introduce any advantages into the game for everyone to use.
  16. Silv Augur

    I don't know about DBG "working" with them BUT the people in charge of developing said other programs have publicly stated they will disable all of their software for a no box/bot server. That was the extent of it. And my understanding is that it was of their own free will not some under the table deal between haxx0rs and DBG. However, ya never know... that whole p99 thing happened.

    Thinking more on her comment now - it makes sense.
    Tudadar likes this.
  17. Reincarnated82 New Member

    It sounds to me like no bots and instancing, meaning there wont be any instancing. Unless she clarified that there is.
  18. Demandred Elder


    Fallfyres likes this.
  19. Endtime Elder

    Soooooo 2004 mate
    Demandred likes this.
  20. Kobra Augur

    Why didn't you buy a bigger desk?