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Increase Bazaar Cap

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Wudanar, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    23, this March. Don't try adding extra years because of things like Alpha and Beta; the systems were reworked during those and was using the in era tech when EQ was released.

    Except that you are limited to stacks of 100 on anything, less on many things that only stack to 20, and most of the highest priced things don't even stack.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If it was just the fact that the code was compiled as 32 bit how do you explain that raid NPC's have been at hp levels well above the 32 bit limit for a while now. I think they ended up breaking that limit in Ring of Scale. Heck we know they had NPC's that broke 5 billion health after changes for the launch of Terror of Luclin and before the 64 bit conversion. They have shown that those variables can be made larger as needed just that they haven't done it yet because of the work involved. Also need to remember that just because they compile the code as 64 bits doesn't mean they are going to change all the variable sizes to 64 bits as they will stay at their old size until they decide there is a need to change them.

    Sorry you can't ignore the code that was written at the start of the game because some of it is still around. You may like to think that it was completely reworked but that likely isn't the case. Even if they did rework it they would have locked in the changes well before the official launch of the game. It is perfectly fair to call the game 25+ years old as parts of the code have been around for that long.
  3. Sobmre Augur

    over the years ive seen this same post about 50 times now, just remember that you'll get more then you ask for....... lag in old bazaar was bad so what happened? we got a new crappy designed bazaar when all they needed to do was make the hide traders command...... keep asking for a limit increase people, im sure we will get something.........
  4. Sup Rog Elder

    Why do you refuse to accept that the original code, for the max bazaar price, was set to the 32 bit limit, seeing how it is EXACTLY the 32 bit limit cap? Obviously you can have higher numbers for things. I can have 100,000,000M+ plat on my toon or in the bank. They just, for whatever reason, set the bazaar and or merchant limit to 2,147,483.647(32bit limit). This isn't even up for debate. Now that the game is 64 bit, it might be easy for them to up that limit, without having to do workarounds for the 32 bit code/cap, like they mentioned earlier. Would be nice for a Dev to explain the process or work needed to change this and if it is on the radar or not.
    Andarriel and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Did I ever say it wasn't set to a 32 bit limit? What others and myself have repeatedly said is that the 32 bit limit for merchants (that what is happening in the bazzar) is not tied to the code being compiled as 32 bit or 64 bit. Changing that 32 bit limit is different and the devs have said that it is a change that would have a large impact and associated risk on the system and they have not been ready to make that change in the past. They are very well aware that players have been asking for it to be changed so that they can sell items for more then 2 million plat and have responded that the scope of the change and risks involved are larger then they have been willing to deal with up until now. And they have been saying that well before 64 bit was on the radar.

    The devs have explained it in the past and got tired of explaining it every time someone asked the exact same question about removing the limit.
  6. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  7. Sup Rog Elder

    No others have said anything, just you and I'm not even asking you, you don't know. All you have provided for proof is a Dev quote, that disproves what you are arguing.
    He said a workaround the 32 bit limit would be difficult. Is that not what he says above? That is why it WAS difficult before. Now with the 64bit code in place, I'm hoping it's a much easier task. You can guess and interpret their 5yr old responses all you want, but the game is different now and you don't know for sure, how easy or hard of a task it is to change. I'm not arguing with you, you just keep insisting that something is so that you do not know. I don't know, that's why I'm asking on here, hoping someone who works there, will respond and let us know.
    Wdor and Dropfast like this.
  8. Dropfast Augur

    What we really need is a broker system all together so we can have stuff for sale while playing... and yes with more than a 2 mil limit. I got a feeling from the sound of it, it would be easier to make a hole new system (with 64 bit) than to try the update this old one that's "to risky". I still don't believe it's "to risky" to try an update it but if it is really true, then make a new one not crippled by silly low limits and having to leave an account in limbo to do it! ;)
    Andarriel and Fenthen like this.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I am sure the devs have just been ignoring the requests for an increased cap for the last 7+ years. Since they have been using 64 bit variables for a long time I would guess there is no change in the scope of work now that they are 64 bit.
  10. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    They have been ignoring the requests to completely rewrite and create a wholy new bazaar system for the last 10 years, because it would be a waste of limited resources. Currently, they are ignoring requests on increasing the bazaar limit above 2 million, because they made a design decision a year or two back to set it at that amount.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You mean a "design decision" in how the merchant system in game works since the launch of the game? They would have needed to write something completely for a problem that they did nor foresee happening back in Planes of Power.
  12. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    No, they made a design decision in how the bazaar system works and what players can price things at. NPC Merchants can still have items priced above 2,000,000. Players selling in the Bazaar cannot.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And considering that they know of the reasons and demands for this request for a very long time you think they would have made the change by now if it was something so easy for them to do.

    What is the most expensive item you can buy from a merchant? I was not aware of any over 2 million plat.
    Andarriel likes this.
  14. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    They don't care about the reasons behind the requests. They decided that they do not want to have them in the game.
    Not a clue on what the most expensive item is that you can buy from a merchant. I just know that if they wished, they could have one priced higher than the flat 2,000,000 plat that players can sell for in the bazaar, because that was a limit intentionally created in the /trader window way back in SoL and expanded to the ini file a year or two back.
  15. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    At least the OP said please.

    If the cap is raised I would like to see it coupled with a seller fee, a % of the item's sale value taken from the player to pay for placing it on the bazaar, items below the old cap would not incur this fee.

    So many items are put on the bazaar at entirely ridiculous prices, a seller/adertiser fee would mean you would have to weigh up the likliehood of an actual sale to make putting the item on the bazaar worth doing so to begin with & maybe help reduce the stupid prices so many items are set at where they have zero chance of selling at the price set and are probably just some players abusing the bazaar system as extra storage, at least make them pay to use that storage.
    Wdor likes this.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sounds like there isn't a merchant in game that sells for more then 2 million plat and that supports what they have told us in the past. Saying that merchants store prices in copper and the bazaar uses the same code is a good explanation about why the limit is 2 million. I am sure they could make it a little higher but they wanted to keep a margin in place to prevent issues from popping up. In order to fix this they would need to redo how merchants work.

    As for the ini fix I am guessing they put that in place because items that where being put up and sold for more then the plat limit where causing issues for the game.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    As much as the fee sounds like a good idea as long as they end up making over 2 million plat there is no downside to increasing the price. The only difference it would make is in the small range where the fee would drop amount below 2 million plat. In those cases I would expect them to increase the price so they can still get what they want.

    In fact this might just lead to higher prices as some would calculate in the fee when setting the price.
  18. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Please just say NO to this suggestion. I, we, anyone, can complain about absurd pricing in the Bazaar, but no one is forced to buy anything there. I personally enjoy seeing fools parted from their money. And given that this isn't real life I feel free to laugh when it happens.
  19. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    you mean you arent going to pay 2m/ea for stackable tradeskill items from older expansions on live servers, or 1.9mil for gear that was never good enough to be used for twinking and doesnt have a tribute value?!

    I'd recheck my math on what the bazaar limit is, since its not that.
  20. Sup Rog Elder

    The math is correct, that number is in copper pieces. The bazaar limit isn't just 2M, you can raise it in the ini file, to 2.147M, but I think they got upset with people who did that. What math is incorrect?