Incoming Guide Support for Ragefire & Lockjaw!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Windstalker, Jul 13, 2015.

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  1. Geroblue Augur

    Hurrah ! Guides on Ragefire and lockjaw ! Hurrah !
  2. Geroblue Augur

    Yeah, its called server logs.
  3. Catashe Augur

    DBGs and the devs do something that makes sense? They can't do that... It would ruin their image... =p
    Gimple and Simone like this.
  4. Orienn TreeHugger

    hrmm, it sounds legit....we shall see, is it basically I type something to talk to a guide and tell them something gets investigated? Or is it person X trained me and then person X gets banned on my say so?
  5. Banuvan Augur

    Somebody didn't read the thread!
  6. Orienn TreeHugger

    somebody got the wrong quote
  7. Banuvan Augur

    OR somebody edited after they were called out for making an ignorant statement.
    Steampunk likes this.
  8. drew0987654 Augur

    I would expect this thread to have many more posts and views by now. this is the best thing that's happened to EQ in a long time.... only way to make this game any better now would be a no-botting server for me, they kill the immersion for me.

    EDIT: did I forget "THANK YOU"?!?! the biggest thanks ever SOE, I love you guys!
  9. Orienn TreeHugger

    i edited it before even reading your post so suck it nerd
  10. Catashe Augur

    While I think this is a step in the right direction, personally I don't see how this would have anything but a marginal effect on the servers simply cause the Guides have no true power really.. I think of them more of Hall monitors who have to report to a teacher about someone who did something that shouldn't and with what seems to be limited GM involvement based on how many posts you see weekly about this person and that training, botting, etc, etc. Will there be any positive change on the servers? I ain't holding my breath.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  11. Banuvan Augur

    Then why post at all if you're just going to show your ignorance? It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open it and prove them correct.
    Starr likes this.
  12. drew0987654 Augur

    are you guys even serious? show some damn gratitude, ppl.... why does everyone have this attitude? you want them to fix every single problem the game has this instant? wtf do they have to do to please you folks?

    what do you expect next? nothing? what's wrong with you guys? you make me want to shoot myself. if you don't want to see me shoot myself, post your thanks to DBG, it's the least you can do....
    Crystilla and Oldschool like this.
  13. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    We're Playing a PC game first released in 1999, and spending even more time above and beyond that gaming to read and post on forums about the game... Your insult fails there's not a person involved in this that isn't a Nerd, including yourself!

    But you're right, you were editing it before he quoted you since you both posted/edited at the same time, but by that same token your statement about him having the wrong quote was bogus too, because you clearly posted something complaining about a potential problem that was previously stated was sufficiently addressed.
  14. Catashe Augur

    And why would I care if you shoot yourself? And all except point number 3 was in a effort to milk more money out of us especially with this set of progression servers being really popular.. I mean is it so much to ask for them to police their server instead of the community since shaming does nil to people nowadays =\ And not to mention its not allowed on their fourms lol
  15. drew0987654 Augur

    steps are being taken, the servers are less than 2 months old.... they've done a lot, be grateful.
  16. Templeton Augur

    I asked about guides here and on the FB guide event page right at server start and was told in no uncertain terms that it wouldn't happen... I am very glad that this has been reversed. Thank you DBG.

    Does this mean that we will see guide events happen? Or is this more of just a police support role?
  17. Fallfyres Augur

    What you are suspicious of can also be done of course by employees of DBG and or/especially the family members/close friends atc. I'm sure DBG has an organizational 'filter' for their guides, and though perhaps not contractual like employees, Holly said they are Elders, so they are a known quantity, with already established track records of dependability and trustworthiness. Should corruption become an issue later, it will be dealt with. We shouldn't indict a trial program before it has even begun.

    I will withhold my consideration of this trial until we see action on the servers and have data of our own (*the players) to compare and contrast with. It may be a diversion at the least if these Guides get to be creative and host events etc. That still doesn't mean they will affect any real change/enforcement via GM's of the PnP. Let us hope when/if the volunteer Guides do see asshattery they have a more direct private line to the devs though, and would be able to provide the devs with more neutral and evaluative data collection to be used in arbitration of exploit cases, than Joe or Jane citizen-player is.

    Its heartening to see some part of all the changes and back and forth be at least one of the ideas being asked for by the customers on Ragefire and Lockjaw for a long while.

    *Salute to those who volunteer; it will be appreciated!
  18. Mezrah Augur


    1. They should have opened with 2 servers, they failed to learn the lessons from TLP 2.0.
    2. It was a work around because they did not open with 2 servers.
    4. They caught a fraction of them, and then when they were caught, gave them a slap on the wrist.
    5. They removed the work around put in place because they failed to open with 2 servers.
    6. They are adding unpaid guides to try to alleviate the problems caused by the removal of the paid customer service representatives.

    So from your list, the one and only thing to thank them for was the change to raid difficulty. Thank you DBG for the change to raids.
  19. Felicite Augur

    Ditto.. I am running around surname-less since I can't get mine and I just don't feel like using a hacked up version that passes the new rules. I have had this one since 2002.
  20. Greymere Augur

    Adding volunteer guides to the servers is good news, Maybe you should include a caveat that if guide reports of asshatery is down we might see events in the future as well by way of saying here's a carrot for learning to play nice on your own.
    Fallfyres likes this.
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