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Illusions! I would befriend a rabid badger with halitosis for more illusions

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jhinx, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Jhinx Whimsical Chinchilla

    Clicky addicts please gather together to hold hands. The others sadly will never quite understand the unmitigated jubilation we feel when we finish stalking a juicy clicky and have acquired it for what we imagine will be something used daily (in truth you probably just bought HEBs for far more than the cost of Stalking Probes will cost you in 9 lifetimes, but that is adjacent to my point).

    Those Boots of Llama Kicking +7 that you just spent 48 hours to upgrade will be items you would not hand your banker to wear in short order, but the best clickies have no expiration date.

    There is a special breed of clicky aficionado that I belong to their ranks, and they are the illusion whor....err addicts; simply put, we need more!

    People will have much better ideas than I, and I would love to hear them, but I have a few things I think would add some giggle units...

    • Could the player base submit ideas or their artwork for your consideration fine folk behind this game?
    • Think Monster Summoning, but with randomized illusions either from that zone or from a pool of illusions.
    • As above, but it changes each time you zone.
    • Go crazy, whatever fancies thine suit, perhaps a gnome lower body with an ogre upper body or something.
    Feel free to sell them in your store to monetize our aesthetic addictions, or perhaps something where you unlock an illusion with an in-store purchase (like armour ornamentations) and then that opens you up for some epic long quest for some kickarse skoocum illusion that will make all the womens swoon.

    p.s. Perhaps make it so all illusions could be used on mounts, which should force some really truly strange sights that will make people stop in mid-sprint within PoK to take SS with their mouths agape.

    p.p.s. Mayhap this would be a place to refine new character models to unveil at a later date to give another option than Classic or Luclin to see what the lion's share of the player base feels about them.
    Sissruukk and Nennius like this.
  2. demi Augur

    I would love for there to be more Illusions .. I am an Illusion addict myself have over 60 illusions if I were to gather them up and put them all on 1 toon . I wish they would put more illusions in the marketplace or quests to be done to earn them in game .. I would love the Brute illusion they had for beta one year ..

    as for making illusions that allow you to be mounted I doubt that will ever happen .. they can barely code for basic stuff let alone an actual illusion in the sitting position ;)
  3. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    There is hope - this is from Aug 2019 and might be worth everyone getting together and coming up with one or two that they could "unvault"

    Jhinx likes this.
  4. Jhinx Whimsical Chinchilla

    That gives me all manner of hope, thanks CatsPaws.
  5. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Well done on the title for this thread. I am not an illusion addict but I can support your right to be cured, errr given what you want. :)
    Jhinx likes this.
  6. Stymie Pendragon


    I really like your idea but, when this is what they're able to produce to help sell heroic characters, I have doubts that they could pull off what you're proposing. He looks like he's about to fall off, perhaps he should holster his weapons and grab the reins right in front of him.

    I feel pretty confident that a lot of these type of issues are related to limitations within the tools they have to work with though. Imagine how great this game could be if they were given a more modern environment to create in.
