Illegal BOT Group

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Grimkane, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Grimkane New Member

    There is a group in Thulisaur Island on the Tunare server clearly using an illegal bot program and is killing most of the dino's while afk.
  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Petition it right away. I think the recent changes about afk merc killing was partly about them going after botters more strenuously. I petitioned a bot group 3 days ago and haven't seen the botters for 2 days.

    In your petiton include the names of all the toons that you think are botting and note any behavior that says botting to you. Also many botters used premade scripts and if they die will accept 0 percent resses over and over again.

    Good luck.
  3. Laronk Augur

    I wouldn't petition and train them its a one or another thing. Watch the GM show up while you're training them
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Training while satisfying doesn't do much then make us feel better though. I mean they are botters.. so they bot an extra couple hours to get the exp back. I thought about that one a lot. I guess on the plus side no one petitions getting trained while botting.

    I think right now we are in a window of time where petitions will get some results. It is nice if they do start a death cycle though as I think a group accepting many zero percent resses is pretty definitive of a bot group.

    I have also found if they accept zero percent resses they just keep dying because they have no mana at all when they are being attacked and mercs may not be up yet. So if you were watching them and someone else trained them and you helped them out with resses that could go on a long time... just saying.
  5. CrazyLarth Augur

    gather the entire zone real toons to arog an kill the mobs 1st - win win.