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Iksar Heritage Crate on Agnarr?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Magic, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. Magic Augur

    Dont see any Iksar Heritage Crate in marketplace?
  2. lothebx New Member

    I dont see the Iksar Heritage Crate on any server right now even though they said they added it.....
  3. Ngreth Thergn Developer

  4. Jaxarale Journeyman

  5. Prathun Developer

  6. Magic Augur

    Got it on Agnarr, but on bear mount is description about Luclin must be open for use it, on new mount from iksar crate no such description :) Me understand it will not work till Luclin, but someone will try to use it for sure..
  7. Prathun Developer

    Aha! Good catch. Added that text to the Adoptable Lumbering Chokidai mount.
  8. Progress Augur

    Okay, I am no English major, but the wording on the page describing this crate makes it sound like you get everything on the list due to the fact that some of the items have multiple variations :

    Each crate will include one of the following items:

    • 1 of 12 suits of Hero's Forge Velious Iksar Armor including versions of cloth, leather, ringmail, scalemail, chain, and plate*
    • 1 of 5 Iksar themed familiars
    • 1 of 6 teleport items that can also be used as decorations for your home
    • A music box that plays one of the songs from the Plane of Fear
    • A “Lumbering Chokidai Bridle” mount
    • A “Veil of Veksar” illusion
    Obviously, that is not true and it is just bad wording/use of bullets; so it seems these boxes are traditional loot boxes like those found in other free to play games. If a developer could chime in, I was wondering if there are any "smart loot" system built in to the crate, so you don't get the same item 3 times in a row. Also, could someone from the development team show the percentage chance to find the different items in the crate, because if a mount is only a 1% chance then I would rather not try my luck.
  9. DrumsOfWar New Member

    I am guess they hide the percentage chances so people will buy the crate.

    I bought one with my free 500 monthly dbc and got an item that teleports me to swamp of no hope once per day. Not useless but not worth 500 dbc to me personally. It would be better on a live server of course.
  10. S33k3r Augur

    I took it to mean you got one item from that list which is why I have ignored it.
  11. Vanrau Augur

    If it's like the other loot crates that have been up on the marketplace before, it's random what you get and it doesn't look at what you have gotten already.
  12. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    EQ does have a "smart loot system" - its called "lore" items. However nothing in this box is lore and as such you can and will get a string of useless items such as 4 cloth armor in a row.

    PS EQ is nothing "like other free to play games" in as much as you had to pay to play on Agnarr where your posting comments;) And you have to be a paid account to sell the leftover useless items you got from the crate in the bazaar.
  13. snailish Augur

    Smartloot the way the earlier post was asking for exists with the Shadowhaven Casino coding, but does use lore tags too I suppose. [you are holding all but 1 of the casino rewards, then you get the one you are missing. Several of them are tradable so you move the "kit" around to get the non-tradables on more characters]

    For what the earlier poster is asking... they should just (after some time) individually sell the items from the crates in the marketplace. From Daybreak's side there is likely a window where the lottery approach makes the most $, and after that specific buy should (imo) be better to get all of us that won't buy 10 crates for the chance at the item we keep missing.

    Then again, you can just krono up for the item off others...
  14. Runes Augur

    Man I am glad you posted this as the description made it sound like the kit came with 5 items witj some being random..but if you get a single item only from all those possible catagories and you can get the same item multiple times..no thank you
  15. taliefer Augur

    i have no problem spending money on the station cash store to help support the game, but i really dislike the gamble crates that seems to be the norm in games nowadays. EQ is far from the worse offender in this regard, but meh.