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Ignoring all the hate and disappointment

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by C3lowz, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. C3lowz Augur

    What new TLP server will you be playing on?

    Personally I've never been a fan of boxing. And more so since I've been playing P99. So the whole Aradune boxing no more than 2, and it actually being enforced really draws my interest.
    Bullsnooze likes this.
  2. Basak Augur

    The way the servers are now, not likely will play on either of them. Changes to not be pop locked, I very likely will go to Rizlona.
    ECrack likes this.
  3. taliefer Augur

    i give it a month of enforcement before darkpaw throws their hands up in the air in frustration. gonna be a cluster
    jeskola likes this.
  4. Kabshaak Journeyman

    I'm contemplating Rizlona because I want to 3 box. I like that it is PoP-era locked, but I also want to play a Beastlord, so I might just true box on Agnarr instead since it will end up at the same era
  5. gladiatoreq Elder

    Not planning to reroll on these servers unless PoP-lock is lifted.
    Xenorius, Whoops and Foaming like this.
  6. Sythrak20 Elder

    Yeah this is the problem with having not one, but three pop locked servers. What's the point of playing on these over Agnarr, really? In a year we're going to have three servers all locked at the same era? Makes zero sense. There's already a PoP locked server.
  7. Xeris Augur

    Having already invested 3 years into Agnarr, I can't foresee myself doing that again. The only thing I'd seriously put energy into is an OOW lock server.
  8. Eetra Journeyman

    Hard pass on these as they are now
    Xenorius and Whoops like this.
  9. Kabshaak Journeyman

    I agree. There is very little incentive to pick Rizlona instead of Agnarr for me

    The only differences are that to 3 box on Agnarr, I need 3 laptops and Rizlona I need 1, and also the population, of course
  10. Trevalon Augur

    Me and a friend may play Aradune and level through classic because were gluttonous and we love classic leveling (we have done it every TLP), but I don't see myself sticking around for Aradune long term. I did Agnarr from Launch through Quarm dead and once Quarm was dead there was little to not point in staying on that server and I moved on pretty quick as did the majority of the guild I was in (though there were some crazies who stayed even to this day).

    PoP locked was very short sighted of them...Also I was REALLY hoping for a Selo's EXP rate with 8 week unlocks. Honestly, That is the server that almost everyone I know would play on. Selo's EXP rate (1 week unlocks is fine), 8 week expansion drops, truebox and dedicated GM - Man, me and like everyone I know would be there!

    Oh well, as it is, I don't forsee either server being TOO big, much like that 85 heroic server, which was a flop.
    Foaming likes this.
  11. Gnothappening Augur

    I personally predict people reporting other people whenever they have the camp they want. I also predict that anyone that tries to AOE in the deep will be reported. Finally, I predict that any guild that does a plat raid will also be reported.

    Now that I have them in stone. I can just wait a year and see if I was right.
    Foaming likes this.
  12. jeskola pheerie

    For sure a hard pass with POP lock.
    Foaming and Whoops like this.
  13. sumnayin Augur

    I will definitely be playing on the 2 character limit server with either necro/druid, enchanter/cleric or monk/shaman. If I plan on raiding I will probably do necro/druid just so I can ensure I am a class that doesn't have to pay attention much. I will actively be reporting people too, this will be fun times.

    Seems like a lot of the vocal minority won't be there, might finally be an enjoyable server in classic.
    Overcast451 likes this.
  14. sumnayin Augur

    What does it matter if people petition for those reasons? How would you even know if people do? All the GMs are going to do it is tell the person that the people are not breaking any rules. Didn't Daybreak say there are no camps? Did Darkpaw come out and say they changed that policy? Nothing you mentioned is breaking any rules, petitioning won't stop those people.

    When P99 green was fresh the GMs would just respond by telling people that camps are "where you are actively camping"...meaning if you're in a room, that room is your camp, not anything else. They didn't force people to stop camping rooms....
  15. Whoops Augur

    I think that was Gnot's point, that the GMs for those servers are going to be 24x7 slammed with nonsense reports. They're gonna need hazard pay!
    Gnothappening likes this.
  16. Tachyon Augur

    Aradune! I stopped boxing around 15 years ago but may try a duo again.
  17. TLP Addict Augur

    The GMs will be tied up in rathe mountains 24/7 dealing with pubbies opening a petition every time someone out DPSs them on a Hill Giant.
    Gnothappening likes this.
  18. Gnothappening Augur

    The fact that fun times for you is reporting people is part of the issue. As for the vocal minority. Anyone that posts on these forums is part of the vocal minority. The majority of players are just playing and having fun.

    I am going to throw one more prediction out there. There will be a ton of people on the forums crying about being suspended when they were only playing two toons. Most of them will be telling the truth, but it won't matter.
  19. Hendar Augur

    Neither of them. At least Darkpaw saved me some money. Look, there is a bright side.
  20. Protagonist Tank

    Yes, this time you'll actually be committed to the game and be an amazing raider and everything will be perfect.

    It won't be like the last 5 times you've started fresh on a new server, got randomly distracted by alt-its, got left behind by the leveling wave, got pissy with people who have krono constantly reminding you of your own relative position, blamed it all on bots and took a weird, white-knight stance of indignation declaring the only way to succeed is to cheat, then get burned out again.

    This is definitely not going to be another trip down a deeply rutted path in the forest of nostalgic gamer cliches.
    Skuz, TLP Addict and Ecko like this.