
Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Daas, Oct 20, 2017.

  1. Daas New Member

    This should be account wide, per server. If I ignore goldsellerX, or harrasingplayerY on one of my characters, I shouldn't have to manually do so on each and every character individually.

    At the very least, make Ignore an option on the Tell/Invite/Etc pop-up when you click on a name.

    Thank you.
    Nennius likes this.
  2. Warpeace Augur

    Considering key binds are global cant see why this could not be also. Would be nice.
  3. Eniner Augur

    This id suppose cause some hiccups. Each character has their own special id number. With having this id number is what sets the character settings for that character and what it has done / saved settings. To mimic that would i think cause issues even with friends and ignore. While other games actually have this feature i would think daybreak would have to go back into the system redesign edit and would cause all kind of issues down the line. If it was a newer game newer system that could easily be modified without causing mass chaos on other coded things i could see this being done. But with platform used by them the old system etc i just cant see it being done without major issues. That is my view on it mind you which could be completely wrong just from experience when they mess with 1 thing it tends to cause chaos in the system somewhere else. Very tedious this system is.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  4. Eniner Augur

    Would also have to figure out which character on the entire account it is supposed to copy for all toons. One you're toons may have 1 person on ignore to say 50 on another character. Would be hard to pick some players with say 4 characters on each server play on maybe 5 servers they then would have to pick which of those 20 characters is supposed to be copied friends / ignore list. So many variables.Which at that point they could actually merge the lists together but if think about it it would even have to be done with the non active players to be up to date. Over 1 million characters friend list and ignore list would have be looked at copied / merged on entire account. Would take years.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  5. Daas New Member

    I'm saying restrict it to a serverwide list. Not accountwide. If you could ignore right off the tell/invite pop up, then the serverwide issue is even smaller.

    The workaround as it stands is:

    Click name, select Tell.
    Backspace over "Tell" and type ignore

    Very useful for the trickier names out there.
  6. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    I could have sworn you could ignore by clicking the name, I thought it was one of the options after spam.
  7. Larkin Lorekeeper

    I agree. Ignore should be on the list when you click a name in chat. Daybreak please take that into consideration. Thank you.