ICONIC agents disappearing during a RARE conversion quest

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Findawenye, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. Findawenye Journeyman

    From my petition:
    The issue has been elevated as a bug to QA/TEST according to the GM.

    I'm posting to give visibility to the issue after the Sep 16th LIVE patch. I'm still confused since I was doing a conversion of 1 each of the duplicates.
    Horse likes this.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    You did not lose anything, you did not have duplicates. The old and still pending bug is the screen where you select agents still does not calculate right and in particular circumstances shows you a count of more agents than you actually own, which can be verified by looking over the agents tab. Instead of quests allowing the over count to go through and triggering complains of "I had X and it ate all of them" where they actually just had 1 or 2 and used them all up in the conversion, it blocks you with that message now. Camping to desktop and re-syncing client data will show you the correct number of agents.
  3. Findawenye Journeyman

    In my case the agents tab showed the same information as the count when selecting the quest.
  4. Horse Journeyman

    I can confirm that Uncommon Iconic Unicorn went missing after up-converting. I can re-assure you that I had 2 of them in my Agent's tab before doing the combine? Why? Because after the patch, I now have to go the Agent's tab to find the iconic agents :/