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I will be unsubing tonight

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Bole, Jul 7, 2015.

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  1. Bole New Member

    I have 6 accounts I will be unsubing tonight. I have waited I feel long enough for some sort of statement on Holly Gate, and also Raid instancing, I love the game but I cannot raid like this. I had high hopes something would be done when groupable zones got instanced. so I stuck around and waited, got up 6 accounts was enjoying it. I am now lvl 50 on 4 of them and only have another nights grind to get to 50 on the other 2. then what? when I post a thread about raid instancing it gets locked, when I post a thread about Holly Gate it gets locked because there are other threads? I looked there is none. I PMed the GM of the fourms asking him to link me what thread was like mine and no response..... you guys had a good start, Holly seemed to listen. and not your just botching this whole thing up.

    Here's 90 bucks a month walking out the door.
  2. Darth Augur

    Sorry to see you go!
    Slayan likes this.
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