I had this crazy idea

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by runecrow, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. runecrow Elder

    I was sitting around lamenting that I can't join a group because of my computer, and of all the quests I miss. There were a few times I got excited for a long series of quests to do, but then found out part of them were group, so I couldn't do them. So I thought, what would be a great idea for me, and people who don't do much grouping in general, is an item that when inventoried, counts as a group member when the quest-giver checks for no. of people. Maybe like, a companion stone, you could call it. But you could make it so the stone is difficult to obtain, so as to dissuade people from just, picking it up on a whim. So if you wanted the stone to allow "soloing" group quests, you would have to work for it.

    Now, the idea would (I think) be easily implemented. All you need to do is pop a new NPC into POK (or, wherever) with the stone, and this NPC would require maybe 4 items to be handed in for the stone. But you would make these items from tedious old quests, so a player would have to do 4 old, long quests, in order to get the 4 items to turn in. Like the quest "Phylactery Will Get You Nowhere" gives "mana crystals" at the end combine, but mana crystals have no use in game. So the guy could require a mana crystal, and maybe 3 other things in order to obtain the companion stone.

    Then this also got me thinking that an NPC like this could be useful for making old zones and old obsolete quest items have use again. Say, you have an NPC who will trade cool items for a number of old obsolete items. You may have the NPC offer some cool item from some raid encounter, but you would have to run 4 old quests, obtain the old quest items, bring them to him, and get the cooler item. Maybe you would have the NPC have a standard cool item, with a nifty difference from the normal item (like a different click effect or whatever) so people who wanted to get it would have to run old quests in old zones, thus the zones and the old quests have meaning again, coupled with the new NPC. Or, maybe a standard raid item can be quested instead of combated, for people who would rather run quests than do combat. A lot of variables and options could be done.

    But since all you really have is a new NPC who does an exachange of objects, the idea would be easy to implement since all of the real work has already been done in the old quests. But, the idea of the companion stone (I like to call it a "tween stone" hearkening back to the old AD&D idea) would have to be coded but surely the code for "count extra no. on group-size check" would be easy.

    But the idea is that with a single NPC you could make all old zones and quests relevant again. So. What's the odds of seeing a tween stone anytime soon? Next expansion? New NPC in POK? Sounds good?
  2. Act of Valor The Newest Member

  3. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    You can ask random people (any level except maybe below 65?) to join your group to request old raids. That is unless you are really really shy (introverted) or on Fippy/Vulak server. Current progression will require boxes anyways so it might be best to upgrade your comp?
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    True this. Usually on my server its for the Anguish Raid where 6 folk are needed. Lots of people in bazaar will join cause they don't need to be there.

    Also I have an old windows 7, bought at the big box store computer that can run 3 accounts at the same time so maybe it is possible to run more than you think on your computer.
  5. Tucoh Augur

    Your quality of life would improve if you upgraded your computer.

    But as someone who can easily get 5 boxed characters in a group to do Anguish or whatever, EQ should get rid of all group-size requirements. It serves no purpose.
    Xanumbik, Cakekizy, Spellfire and 4 others like this.
  6. Gialana Augur

    Many group quests (but not raids) require only 3 characters to request, and mercenaries count. So you may even only need 1 person to join your group for the request.

    Unfortunately, there are also quests, like the Goblin Dojo raid, which require 6 players to be in the zone.
  7. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I couldn't agree more, there are very few quests where you actually need more than one char to beat them, if you are high enough level. If they removed that restriction I would probably revisit older expansions I missed and play through their progression, just for sightseeing and lore, when I feel like soloing and the rest of the server is sleeping.

    There are a few mission specific mechanics(like the "murder case" in shards landing) where requiring more than one char makes sense, but apart from those I think they should remove the member count requirement completely both from group-missions and raids. They are welcome to re-introduce the key requirements instead, if they feel you need to "earn" your access somehow :rolleyes: , thats just a part of the experience(as long as you can get old keys solo).

    I deserve they right to die trying, to solo old content!

    I think the original case for restricting access was to limit the number of instances to reduce server load, but giving people access with just one char would reduce server load even more, since players wouldn't need to login 2-5 "dummy" chars to circumvent it.
    runecrow and Cakekizy like this.
  8. Triconix Augur

    The only problem is that there are some missions/raids that require the people to actually be in the zone to request it.

    The number 1 culprit is pally 2.0 requiring like 10 people to be in Felwithe. I stopped doing my twink pally's 2.0 solely because of that. Dumbest requirement ever.

    However, most raids/missions that you can just keep logging off characters, inviting them, and logging off of them and they still count towards the minimum even if you only have 1 character actually logged in. Those are fantastic.
  9. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Back in the day when I walked to school thru 6 feet of snow they made each class of eq have different abilities and skills so if you put a couple together they could form a nice group that could kill lots. They also made almost all quests to need more than one person, it was almost impossible to find solo stuff pre 2005. One reason a lot of folk quit when groups got so hard to get. So the bottom line is that EQ was made for groups. So you can't fault them for keeping the foundation. They have given us ways to make groups. New stuff you can solo.
  10. Dre. Altoholic

    +1 all we need is a pop up box
    Cakekizy likes this.
  11. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    If this change was needed for the TLP servers I think we would see it happen but since the probably want # of player requirements on TLP it doesn't have the same urgency for Daybreak that it would otherwise. Maybe when Phinny gets closer to the Live servers in expansions and if it is still highly populated we might see the removal of these requirements.

    Which is fair enough I guess.
  12. Adrihaen New Member

    Actually, I think that they aren't able to separate the two for some reason. Just from what I've heard them say about how they have to do things on the TLP servers because it would affect Live it must work the other way around too. I'm in favor of getting rid of this and can't think of why not for all server types.
  13. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Paladin Epic 2.0 player requirement has been lowered from 10 players to 6 players in today's patch.
  14. runecrow Elder

    Thanks for the replies, everyone, and the suggestions for gaining group quests. Those are applicable ideas, for sure. Mainly I was also suggesting a way to reinvigorate old zones and quests in an additional way. Really all it would take is the inclusion of X NPC who make exchanges, who would exchange old items for a new one. It would give people something to do, as well; and would surely draw collectors into running myriad old quests in order to gain exchange for spiffy items through some inclusive NPC.

    The "tween stone" was just a side idea that emerged from the main one (or, actually, performed as impetus). BUT tween stone would be cool. I won't deny that for a minute.
  15. runecrow Elder

    Hear hear!

    Or, is it, here here? I never actually verified that.
  16. IblisTheMage Augur

    Heir heir. Or hir hir.
  17. smash Augur

    But do not understand why it is not lowered to 3. Basically same amount for a mission.

    Should be that for all epics and such.
  18. Triconix Augur

    I wonder if they did that because of my post :)
  19. fransisco Augur

    still, hurray for lowering it to 6 from 10.
    Any lowering is good.