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How To Report and Upvote Bugs

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Mepps, Oct 22, 2019.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    How To Report A Bug

    Welcome to the bug report forums! Please make a new thread for each new bug and include as much information possible.

    To make your bug reports more effective, please follow these guidelines when reporting bugs:
    • Search
      • Before making a new bug report, please check to see if your bug has already been reported. Either use the forum search or at least scan the first page of threads.
    • Report
      • If your bug is not yet reported, please create a new thread in this forum.
      • Discuss only one bug per thread. Please open additional threads as needed for multiple bugs.
      • Provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the bug. You can never post too much detail.
    • Discuss
      • Join the discussion in threads if you can add any sort of additional information.
      • Keep discussion to bugs only. Posts should be informational and constructive.
    • Like
      • Let us know which bugs are most important to you by clicking LIKE on a thread's first post (the initial bug report).
    Following these guidelines will make bug stomping easier and faster for everyone. Thank you for your support!
    Freefri, Tryste, RPoo and 1 other person like this.
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    How To Upvote Bugs!

    It is important for us to prioritize bugs and fix the most important ones first. You can help us and add your voice to that prioritization by "upvoting" bugs that you think are important.
    • To upvote a bug, open the thread and click LIKE on the first post (the initial bug report).
    DamionRage, Cazmac, Tryste and 2 others like this.
  3. klanderso Augur

    An update was made recently to /bug in-game. Now, when you fill out the form and hit Post, it'll copy a chunk of nicely formatted information that'll help us with tracking down the bug. If you check Target Info, it'll include that info as well. When you report a bug on the forum, it'll really help if you include this information at the beginning of your post.

    Example Output:
    Category: NPC [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Fri Jun 24 08:43:33 2022

    Character: Level 60 Warrior (Main)
    Zone: The Plane of Knowledge
    Location: -349.53, 752.00, -92.87, 0.00

    Target NPC: Caden Zharik
    Target Location: -343.00, 752.00, -94.12, 251.00

    Description: This NPC is too short!
    menown, Thunderkiks, Stymie and 8 others like this.
  4. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Update on search function: If you wish to see bugs sorted by prefix tag, there are 2 ways in which you can accomplish this.

    • Simply click the tag in any thread and you will get only bugs with that tag sorted to you.

    • Scroll to the bottom of the bug page and click to sort by prefix tag you're looking for.
    CrazyLarth and Nennius like this.
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