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How to obtain first magical weapon

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jeffrey Lebowski, May 22, 2017.

  1. Jeffrey Lebowski New Member

    Returning for Agnarr player and I remember my first time in Norrath playing a Pally, I was completely lost when I learned I couldn't hit certain creatures without a magical weapon. I guess I thought I'd be wielding my rusty sword forever. Now I can't even remember what my first magical weapon was. Anyway, what's a good low level magical weapon to hope for at low levels?
  2. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    List shamelessly stolen by googling and clicking the first link!

    There's a few other things on TLP that weren't in classic as well, like Blackened Alloy weapons from Runnyeye. I remember doing the Grobb Cleaver quest for my SK pretty early on Ragefire. Also you can buy Combine weapons from gypsy vendors.

    Polished Granite Tomahawk - Highpass Hold - 15+
    Runed Totem Staff - Black Burrow/SK - 15+
    Scepter of Rahotep - NRo - 15+
    Langseax/Langseax of the Wolves - Halas (quest) - 20+
    Gnoll Hide Lariat - Splitpaw/SK - 25+
    Bone Bladed Claymore - Befallen - 25+
    Shiny Brass Halberd - Highpass Hold - 20+
    Screaming Mace - Crushbone - 20+
    Blackened Iron Bastard Sword - Runnyeye - 25+
    Dragoon Dirk - Crushbone - 20+
    Ghoulbane - UGuk - 30+
    Gladius - Unrest - 15+
    Pugius - Unrest - 15+
    Shining Star of Light - Qeynos (quest) - 5+
    Barbed Leather Whip - Najena - 20+
    Stiletto of the Bloodclaw - Najena - 35+
    Mystical Claws of Jojo - Kerra Ilse - 20+
    Kicsh Der Pavz - Splitpaw - 30+
    Thunder Staff - Qeynos (quest) - 10+
    Gatorsmash Maul - Ogguk (quest) - 25+
    Obsidian Shard - SolA - 25+
    Gigantic Zweihander - Everfrost - 35+
    Humerus Handled Mace - Gorge of King Xorbb - 20+
    Bone Spear - Lavastorm - 20+
    Cold Iron Morning Star - Permafrost Keep - 25+
    Crystalline Blade - Permafrost Keep - 30+
    Silvery Two-Handed Axe - Permafrost Keep - 30+
    Silvery War Axe - Permafrost Keep - 30+
    Axe of the Slayers - Rathe Mountains - 30+
    Obsidian Flamberge - SolA - 30+
    Obsidian Scimitar - SolA - 25+
    Double-Bladed Bone Axe - SK - 25+
    Serrated Blade - SK - 20+
    Silverish Scimitar - SK - 25+
    Cat O'Nine Tails - Kerra Ilse - 20+
    Riptide Spear - Butcherblock - 15+
    Crookstinger - LFay - 15+
  3. Aaramis Augur

    Dragoon dirk, PGT, SBH and BBC can all be obtained by your early to mid teens. There's a few others out there too that aren't as popular but do exist.
    Another option is to save up 40+ plat and buy a Combine weapon off gypsies.
    Barton likes this.
  4. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

  5. Jeffrey Lebowski New Member

    I have a terrible memory. I thought for sure that the combine weapon from the gypsies was in the neighborhood of 200 plat and that's why I could never afford it on the first go round.
  6. Scarcius New Member

    Someone mentioned somewhere that all you have to do is add an aug to a weapon and it become magic. Not sure if this is true or not.
  7. Clain New Member

    *edit, should of read closer ;p
  8. Ashenor Lorekeeper

    You can buy a weapon skin in the store. You can reuse it on other weapons.

    It also makes your weapon magicial. Works at lvl 1 on rusted weapons.
  9. Rovguy Journeyman

    Barb shamans get quest to get necklace that summons magical hammer
  10. MBear Augur

    This is tested and true. Just buy the graphical upgrade in DBG store for your weapon and it will become magic.
  11. squidgod Augur

    That's Well-Balanced weapons.
  12. Zapford Elder

    Yeah and it's bane undead, but no drop so only Barb Shaman can use it.

    Fang of the wolf is another easy quested item.
  13. Byzah New Member

    I tested adding a lv10 melee augment to a non-magical weapon on Live and it didn't make the weapon magical, unfortunately (though the dd/dot proc should land).

    Play a Paladin and summon your own magic hammer. People will be in awe.
  14. Baldur Augur

    Well-balanced weapons from Shady Swashbuckler in commons tunnel and Combine weapons from gypsies in lavastorm. The combine weapons are a lot cheaper but aren't as good as well-balanced.

    Your best bet is to just go to runnyeye and get a BABS or BAL. If it wasn't for the revamped runnyeye being in the well-balanced would be really good weapons for classic early on.

    And if you're friends with a mage you can just have them summon you a magic weapon, it's only temporary though.
  15. Anyelle New Member

    What would be the easiest set of magic gloves/boots for monks?
  16. Rhodz Augur

    The gloves that drop in LS, forget the name but they drop like crazy off of ... wait those mobs may have been nerfed this week.
    I dunno any more... Wu's
  17. Aaramis Augur

    Netted or Mesh gloves that drop off frogloks (Innothule / Upper Guk) as early as level 7ish.
    Boots are a little trickier to find, but there's a few out there - most are heavy though. Wu's is definitely the better option here.
  18. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Make a level 1 mage. Sell your starting tunic. Buy "Summon dagger", summon said dagger, give it to your main.

    Bam level 1 magic weapon for free!
  19. Baldur Augur

  20. Rhodz Augur

    1. Buy krono
    2. Travel to Commons Tunnel
    3. Get killed on the way
    4. Travel to Commons Tunnel
    5. Trade krono for suitable pixels
    6. Leave Commons Tunnel
    7. Get Killed on the way back
    8. Throw computer out of the window
    Nolrog and TheRedBandit like this.
  21. Magic Augur

    How you reuse it?
    Me try it once on shield, shield become no drop :)