How to Cleric??

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Talonthalis, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. Clarisa Augur

    I'm not sure it's been mentioned but something you should get used to doing early on is parsing yourself (and other clerics when you have the opportunity to group/raid with them) with GamParse. You can download it here: and there's a nice guide to getting started with it here: Some clerics avoid doing it, but I highly recommend it because it will help direct your efforts in improving your healing. You can see where your landed heals went and what you cast (and didn't cast), and when you begin raiding, you can compare your casts to others who share a similar role to see how you stack up/what you might need to do to reach their level.
  2. Gundolin Augur

    Very cool, thanks for pointing it out. :) I'm glad I post on these things. My standard bind (QH>QH>UL>INT>INT>Ward) I do hit gaps due to refresh of ward and UL both being grey. But if I'm firing through my multi bind I'm generaly in the knight group of a raid so have quite a few group heals mixed in making the gap less pronounced. I hate the idea of putting a seventh gem into my multi bind or taking UL out. (I also would forget to cast UL) but this definitely needs to be corrected when I'm in dedicated healer role. The good thing about being a dedicated healer I can pay much more attention to what's grey and whats not, so it makes taking ward out of the multi bind but still being able to cast it much easier.
  3. Metanis Bad Company

  4. Talonthalis Elder

    Hello again everyone! Thanks again to all who have posted here making this such a great resource!

    So to update my progress I hit 101 last night (wooohooo!) Now I'm told the auto-grant aa’s stop. Should I stay 100% exp until 110 or should I put a split in there for aa’s to filter in?

    I have been trying out GINA to help keep things straight in grouping. I seem to have audio alarms down well and I am using the color coded healing window (THANKS PANO!) I do need to fidget with it as my heals aren’t landing in the right categories due to level but it has been great to see just how effective I’ve been in healing and knowing how much time I have between spells to do anything else. It’s perfect for helping me build a rhythm to get used to in each camp.

    I’m having a few issues with buff timers however. I’m using a couple of related posts here: and here for reference.

    So to summarize my issues:
    1. How to make sure only spells you cast create a timer?
    a. When there is a merc in group (for hard stuff and named), the merc’s Elixir buff gets added to my window.
    2. What actual buffs should I be tracking as a cleric?
    a. Right now it’s just DI and Shining (and because I’m goofing around: Elixir)
    3. Is there a non-verbal way to stop all timers/any timer?
    a. Right now I have an End Timer Early String of “stop all timers” but I have to say it or send a tell of it to someone online for it to fire.
    4. Can you have too many overlay windows?
    a. I was thinking about getting rid of the songs window and tracking my self-targeting AA’s and quick abilities in another buff countdown timer window to make life easier.

    I’m sure there’s more questions with GINA but I’m trying to solve what I can first before asking here. One EQ related note that new clerics may not know (that took me a frustrated moment to figure out) in order to scribe Undying Life you have to right click on the scroll as it won’t drop into the book…dumb.

    Thanks again to all who read and respond to this thread. The priestly community seems to be the friendliest and most helpful! I hope you all are having a wonderful week! Now off to figure out GamParse.
  5. Brohg Augur

    1. if someone else is putting elixir on, or DI or Shining, then you casting it is a waste. their buffs SHOULD be tracked.

    2. I don't keep a timer for Shining or Elixir, just DIs

    3. /hotb GINAstahhhpplzomg [tell Talonthaliz {GINA:stop}

    4. I have duration timers for heal boosts. Their actual hotbuttons naturally track reuse time.

    Spell BOOK? you weirdo
  6. Talonthalis Elder

    Good point. That should have made more sense to me. I'll leave the timers as is so I do see what's happening to the tank from other healers. I'll have to find the bit of code that I can include to mark what other healer cast the spell.

    Um, yeah, an antiquated holdover. :oops: I'm still getting used to the fact that we can actually right-click spells to have them auto-entered into the "book"... plus for some reason (OCD?) it bugs the heck out of my when they aren't relatively organized, even though we can right click the spell gem itself for the list. I do have to learn the lines of spells better. That would help keep things straight too.
  7. Clarisa Augur

    DI is probably the most important one to track as a cleric, especially on raids. Having a GINA trigger to tell you when DI has fired off a tank like the one below is pretty important (fading is less important because it should last most of the event unless that person died or it fired, and if you cast it on yourself at the same time as the group, you'll know when it's time to recast it on everyone):


    Most priests announce DI casts in a priest channel or agreed upon channel (OOC, /raidsay etc.). When I hear the audio message telling me it fired off a tank, I usually queue up DI as my next cast unless I see another cleric get to it sooner (which I find out by monitoring the priest channel for DI cast messages) or I am too occupied healing to cast it. In the latter case, I look for a window of opportunity to cast it when my group is not in need of heals or when I can catch up on heals after the DI cast using Divine Arbitration/Divine Balance or Burst of Life or Manisi Branch/Apothic Hammer heals. So, if I am healing WAR MT and want to cast DI on SK OT, the sequence would be something like:

    Merciful Remedy to WAR -> DI to SK OT -> Burst of Life to WAR -> Merciful Remedy to WAR

    The Burst of Life heal doesn't completely make up for the lost healing to WAR during the DI cast, but it provides *some* healing during the global recast timer after the DI so he isn't left without a heal for that 3-4 seconds. If he's in need of more healing and the rest of the group isn't injured, using Divine Arbitration or Divine Balance instead of Burst has the potential to restore a lot more health. I can, also, if I am fast enough add in a Manisi Branch/Apothic Hammer heal along with Burst of Life because Burst is instant while Branch has a 1.0 cast.

    If you have a lot of clerics actively doing this, you do need to watch the priest channel more carefully to avoid overwriting, which just wastes time/casts. DI is a long cast so it's possible to interrupt the cast and cast something else if you see someone cast it right before you did. So in priest channel, if I cast DI using my social hotkey (which sends a message to priest channel), and I see something like this:

    Pano tells roipriest: DI to Foob
    You tell roipriest: DI to Foob

    I can quickly hit 'X', which I have assigned to stop my cast, and start casting what I would have cast had I not begun the DI cast.

    It's also possible to just assign clerics to recast DI on specific tanks when it fires to not have to worry about overwrites but I don't find such assignments useful in my guild (on non-trivial events, it doesn't take much for a cleric not to follow their assignment).

    Though GINA triggers are useful for tracking DI, you should also get in the habit of reading buff windows or "buff scanning" as I like to call it. There are a lot of cases where a target will be out of range of heals and message range for GINA to pick up the DI fired trigger. That's when buff scanning is essential to find out what a target might need. This is a shot from my UI -- notice the buffs under the target (Drogbaa):


    I can tell from this that he has DI, still has Shining (the mitigation part lasts forever, so it's only the buff icon for the heal proc that you need to watch for), and doesn't have an active Undying Blessing, Ancient Alliance, or Promised Remedy. I use default icons and Sparxx UI so your icons and target window might not look the same, but whatever you're using, it's important that you can see all the buffs a target has without having to move your eyes too much, and you need to recognize the icons of the buffs you're responsible for. That can be difficult because some buffs share icons with other spells. In that case, you may need to hover over them or notice patterns that make yours easier to recognize from the others. For instance, in the shot above, Drogbaa has the axe icon in the bottom row next to the eye icon for DI that looks like Undying Blessing but it's not. How do I know this? Undying Blessing always lands with Undying Lifespring, a buff that looks like the generic heart heal icon. Undying Blessing also blinks, indicating an eminent fade, within 19 sec. So if I notice this axe icon by itself and it never blinks, I know it's not Blessing.
  8. Gundolin Augur

    Even for DI anyone who needs a DI you should be staring at them enough to see if they do or do not have a DI to refresh. I'm not saying that you shouldn't put it on a timer to track, but even without a gina trigger you shouldn't have trouble keeping DI on anyone who needs it.
  9. Clarisa Augur

    The above is more for situations where you need to track DI firing (not fading because its duration has expired) on a target. The trigger allows you to respond a lot faster than you would if you had to check the target's buff window to confirm that it's down. If all you do during an event is spam a single MT or an OT you're responsible for, it's not too difficult to see when DI is down because you're staring at their health bar (and buff window) a lot. You won't know, however, if DI is down on anyone else unless you target them or look for messages in the chat log or they tell you -- that goes for tanks outside your group or even those in your group who are your second or third priority targets for healing. You can't really do the sequence I mentioned above without losing more time/healing to the MT unless you know while healing the MT that the SK OT needs a DI without having to target him and scan through 3-4 lines of buffs to find out. I'm not saying that a trigger is required to maintain DI, it's just been my experience that clerics without one are much slower to respond when it fires and have very low combat DI cast counts compared to clerics who do.
    Gundolin likes this.
  10. Bigstomp Augur

    I play a clr on casual raids. I'm sure we could improve some co-ordination. But I'm looking at an etw window of 8-12 tanks. i want them all to have DI.
    The off tanks are more likely to need DI than the main tank. The OT's aren't being pre-emptively healed they're being reactiely healed.
  11. Clarisa Augur

    The DI trigger actually helps in the lack (or absence) of coordination or when you're trying to do more outside your group. In my guild, for instance, we don't coordinate things like DI or Divine Guardian casts or MGB CR in a strict sense (as in, "you keep this up on him" or "you go first" etc.). So that means communication via announcing casts of certain spells/abilities (not heal spam) using social hotkeys to cast while sending a message to another channel and triggers so each cleric is more aware when another has cast something and when a buff is down on a target are important. I, too, watch my group and an extended target window full of tanks but I recognize that I can't effectively heal and buff the tanks outside of my group as a cleric usually in the MT group without sacrificing a lot of healing to him unless he isn't taking much damage or he's being covered by other healers (or he isn't tanking, in which case I can work as a floater and help where needed). I can, however, re-cast DI when it fires on an out of group OT and cast other things on them (like Undying Life, Promised Remedies, Elixirs, Ward of Assurance, FCR, Divine Guardian, Burst of Life, Manisi Branch/Apothic Hammer heals, Merciful Shield) with minimal impact on the healing I provide to the MT or the OTs in my group as most of those things are cast before the OT has engaged a target and the rest are cast when I find windows of opportunity or between heals during the global recast.

    Speaking of Divine Guardian, it's an incredibly useful ability that is a pain to track because it only appears in a target's song window (so you can't track it by checking buffs through the target window). The ability works sort of like a DI in that it will trigger a large heal (79,000) when a target's health drops below 30%. Once it does, however, the target receives a blocker (Guardian's Trace) that prevents it from landing again for 1 minute. Pano actually came up with a neat trigger that tells you when another cleric has cast it, when it is on a tank (and for how long), when it fires, and when it can be recast/when the blocker is lifted. The trigger isn't absolutely necessary to maintain Divine Guardian, though it may lead to a few overwrites and casts when a target can't receive it otherwise unless your clerics and tanks coordinate it some other way.

    So my point was that triggers can help a lot. You can reach a point of excess where you have triggers for everything, and I find that unnecessary, but having triggers for some things undoubtedly improves your response time and allows you to do more while sacrificing less healing.
    kizant and Gundolin like this.
  12. Gundolin Augur

    Now I ask questions within questions. :)

    First on the Manisi branch, when are you able to use it. The casting time takes forever, there are a few spots where I know repops will be happening soon so I'll hit one of the faster OTs with it, but it does seem very situational. I was really excited to earn one and get it invested but the cast time seems painful, is there something I'm missing that speeds up the cast?

    I would love to be able to use a trigger for DG casts, but alas they are severely underutilized by my guild. Maybe I need to add a trigger to announce its casting trying to lure in more casts. :)
  13. Pano Augur

    On the point of triggers helping, tracking your tanks' defensive abilities like shield flash is a good idea. Unless they hit it on refresh, it is usually an ability they use when they expect to not be healed right away.
  14. Pano Augur

    Use it between spells, the branch can be used in the global cooldown.
  15. Clarisa Augur

    As a rule, and as Pano mentioned, any non-spell ability (AA or click heal) that can fit within the 1.5 sec global recast after you cast a spell can be cast without affecting the timing of your next spell. The Branch has a cast time of 1.0 sec so as long as you start casting it right after your spell has been cast, you have enough time to cast it before the 1.5 sec global recast expires and you're able to cast your next spell. Divine Guardian has a cast time of 1.5 sec, so there's a good chance that it will go over the global recast and delay slightly the casting of your next spell unless you time it perfectly, but... even if it delays the next spell by .2 or .3 sec, .2 or .3 sec of actual casting time for a buff as useful as Divine Guardian is worth it.

    Abilities and click heals with a cast time of longer than 1.5 sec are generally not worth casting between heals unless the effect is worth the usage of actual casting time. This is why I hated the click effect on the Trakanon BP, which you can read about it in way too much detail here: That click effect has a 3.8 sec cast time, which means you'd be using 1.5 sec global recast time and 2.3 sec of actual casting time (time you could spend casting an actual spell) to cast it. Unless you're completely out of mana and can cast nothing else, using that BP is a waste of time since 2.3 sec is enough time to cast an actual Remedy plus the global recast (0.5 + 1.5) and be .3 sec into the casting of the following Remedy instead of casting a click heal that heals for significantly less. I also mentioned the Braided Kirin Mane in that post, which offers a weak Pious Light heal (3770 base). It has a 1.0 sec cast time, though, so like the Branch, it can be used in between heals effectively. It's understandable that many clerics don't use it because of the pitiful base heal, but if you have no other actions you can take during the global recast, it's a worthwhile option to provide some extra (albeit minor) healing.

    It's sad to see it so underused. :( I think for a time it conflicted with promised heals, so clerics didn't cast it, but that issue has long been resolved so other than not stacking with other classes' guardian abilities (which arguably aren't as useful for tanks), there are no stacking issues that I know of. There may be other reasons, but at this point, I find it's just a lack of knowledge or too conservative usage (like saving it for a really difficult event, when it really can be used more often given its short recast timer) that explains why more clerics don't use it.
    Gundolin likes this.
  16. Clarisa Augur

    That's an awesome trigger. Is your trigger pack posted anywhere (minus the raid emote stuff)? I find most of the triggers in it super useful. :)
  17. Pano Augur

    No it's not, I think there are some things that require fixing before posting it, like my awesome categories, some timers/triggers.
  18. Brohg Augur

    Click the [_] Convert button in the item window...
    Gundolin likes this.
  19. Clarisa Augur

    Yeah, make sure you're using the priest version of the branch (the one with the Manisi Balm click effect) instead of the all/all version (the one with Binding Leaf) by doing what Brohg mentioned if you have the wrong one. If you have or are working on Veeshan's Peak access and are in a guild that can down T1 RoS events, you will eventually want to upgrade to the Jeweled Apothic Dragon Spine Hammer, which I posted about here: for the slightly better heal.
  20. Gundolin Augur

    So embarrassing, but really happy I asked. :)
    Brohg likes this.