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How often do you main change?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Dvinn, Nov 2, 2021.

  1. Dvinn New Member

    is it common during tlps for people to main change often as expansions roll over?

    Recently returned player and trying the tlps over on mischief. I started as an enchanter and then swapped mains to monk (this is what I played in 2001) about halfway through kunark, though did plan this as I wanted to play iksar rather than human I have since leveled up a shaman as a box and it’s been great with the monk. Ive been raiding a couple of days a week on the monk.. I’ve been leveling an sk for quite a while when I have spare time and now approaching 60 and really enjoying it and thinking I would like to try it on raids. Although I can’t help thinking maybe I’m mains changing too quickly to get a real feel for the classes and might be better off sticking to a monk and trying an sk next tlp or maybe at a later expansion. My goal was always to see new content as I’d never been past velious so was going to stick to monk but thinking if I don’t change soon it may be too difficult to catch up later with all the aa/ lvls needed.

    I feel like as a monk I’m likely more valuable at this stage to the guild, and changing to an sk would likely be a negative as we have a few knights. Does this ever change where monks become less valuable and I might bring more to the table as an sk. I’m wondering if there’s a good xpac to make a change that has less impact.
  2. Pikallo Augur

    Just my personal grouchy opinion, but as someone who has played/raided on mutiple TLPs and picks a class and sticks to it, I find it super annoying when people are constantly changing mains. While classes aren't overly in-depth early on, it is still nice to have people who are committed and experienced on their main class. Just brings overall stability to a guild and raid force when you can depend on someone and not have them changing mains every expac or sooner. Always seems like a geared out warrior or cleric decides they want to switch and play a ranger or something and just rubs me the wrong way.

    Obviously you don't want to play a class you don't enjoy, but there is still something to be said about sticking to a single class.
    Dvinn and code-zero like this.
  3. Dvinn New Member

    That’s a very reasonable point of view and it’s something I also thought of. I may even just wait until the next tlp and go sk then and see this as my opportunity to go through the content. Thanks
  4. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    I've never main changed. There are like 20 versions of the human paladin with my name or close to my name on a bunch of servers =P
    Metanis and Dvinn like this.
  5. Randomized Augur

    Every time I’ve quit and come back (for a good amount of time) I have changed mains

    Started with a Ranger
    Came back as an SK
    Came back this time as a BST, and while I love it, I’ve become too partial too tanking in MMOs over the years that my Paladin which started as a box alt is now my main, although I’m currently working on leveling a Warrior now too.

    May go back to the BST if I get ToL since I don’t have CoV and would hate to try and walk into a new expansion being technically 2 expansions worth of gear/augs behind as a tank. /shrug
  6. Keella Journeyman

    Mainchanged once in my whole time in EQ (15 yrs)

    But played pretty much everything to some degree.
  7. Crystilla Augur

    Never main changed since I started in 2001. That said, I tried to play alts and self-leveling never got higher than around 55; with heroics, 88.
  8. matou New Member

    i play a shaman on rathe since 1999 as main and never main changed and still love the class.
  9. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    Never. I played my mage since 2002. I have one other character I use. Another mage I two box with.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Wizzy main since Jan 2001, never changed on live servers. But I do play a lot of alts, I have a rogue and beastlord I play more than the wizzy in group content, but the wizzy always stays as main to raid.

    On TLP servers I change to beastlord as soon as the server gets to Luclin.
  11. Tucoh Augur

    Once in 2000. Paladin to warrior.

    I enjoy changing my box team regularly though. Keeps things fresh. Replaced my cleric with a paladin, which isn't a huge change in terms of mechanics, but it's still an entirely new ability set and epic to do.
  12. Metanis Bad Company

    Started this cleric in January, 2000 and it's still my raiding main. However since we "inherited" our kid's accounts I've played every other class except for Zerker.

    But, with 1371 days played on the cleric I reflexively think and react to everything in game as a healer / priest. I can understand the other classes intellectually, but my subconscious and muscle memory are pure cleric.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  13. Schadenfreude Augur


    Took a 4-5 week break playing a Necro when Rangers were at their absolute worst about 20 years ago but that's the longest he's been genuinely neglected since 1999.
  14. Shredd Augur

    Never in 22 years. . Shaman are gods, why change?
  15. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I have main changed once.
    I started a warrior back in velious and got him to level 23, then took a long break.
    Made a wizard in LDoN and stayed with that ever since. :)
    No alts...
  16. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    My first character in 2002 was a druid, 3 days later, the RL friend who hooked me onto EQ said, YOu need to be a bard.. you think like a bard, you act like a bard, go be a bard.. I did, and never looked back.
    Metanis and Yinla like this.
  17. Arctodus Elder

    Every new TLP to see what I had been missing.
    Randomized likes this.