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How many of you purchased potions when Michief opened?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by SleezerGeezer, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. SleezerGeezer Elder

    And also, I'm interested if anyone else would have purchased Ant (Shrink) potions if they had been available on Marketplace?
  2. Duckforceone Lord of the Ducks

    i'm a looks guy... i spend all my cash on illusions and pet illusions and weapon and gear illusions.. but sadly, even those are very limited here..
    but no haven't bought any potions, as i had a bunch come with bags... will probably end up buying some in the future when levelling alts..
  3. SleezerGeezer Elder

    It Ant potions had been available, it would have changed my class choice. I think I would have rolled an Ogre SK.
  4. Duckforceone Lord of the Ducks

    you could just have bought one of the illusions that made you regular sized.. there's the cool undead knight one... seen an ogre use that for "shrink"
  5. Nolrog Augur

    I bought a couple SOW potions (long run to get my guys together) and a couple XP potions (including two shared XP II). I also bought the HoT collectors set for the bag as well as the $35 pack for the two bags.
    Hypatia likes this.
  6. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    I bought one SoW potion so I could take a trip to do a quest. Nothing other than that yet.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    I always buy a SoW potion first thing on all my boxes. This time around I bought clarity or haste potions all the way up to 35. What else am I going to do with 5,000 SC on each account? ;)
  8. Cainen Augur

    Clarity potions all the way to 50. Cost me about $10, 100% worth it.

    I got a DE mask early so no need for shrink pots, would be nice to have the option though.
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    Shrink pots would be good but not at 100 SC each. Maybe 100 SC for 10 or 20. Unless they are max shrink. An ogre takes 3 casts of the Shrink spell to get tiny.
  10. Pikallo Augur

    I bought quite a few. I'm boxing 4 and bought 4x bags and used quite a few sow pots from 1-50. I used clarity pots until my enc was 26, and ended up buying a few extra xp pots beyond the ones that came with the bags.
  11. Gheed Augur

    WTB permanent shrink item
  12. Stymie Pendragon

    Play a gnome;)
  13. Aiona Augur

    Zero potions for the first 2 weeks.

    I did break down and get a few mana potions for my alt yesterday though! Haha.
  14. Until We Felt Red Augur

    For me, the leveling game for any caster is unplayable without clarity pots. Even with them, mana regen is just pitifully slow. I end up spending a few bucks on those the first few weeks for sure. I don't hesitate to buy sow pots either if it's early on or I haven't leveled my pocket druid yet.
  15. Nykara2 Elder

    Clarity potions mostly here. Had some station cash saved so why not?
  16. Vindicator Journeyman

    I did. They make leveling up much more pleasurable when you are trying to grind it out quickly. Mostly just clarity potions, though I did get a couple regen potions to get back the hp when I overnuked rather than spend healer mana on it.

    As for shrink....eh, seems more like something solved by the halfling illusion item or the dark elf illusion item or shaman shrink spells. I would not purchase one for 100 Darkpaw bucks.