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How do you report Box army?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Aumdail, Apr 20, 2019.

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  1. Aumdail New Member

    Title says it all. Tired of seeing them and taking all the good camps. on Mangler is running one and I want to report him.
  2. Machentoo Augur

    Unless you have evidence that he is using software to automate his toons, you don't. Boxing is not against the rules in and of itself. Neither is taking a camp that you want.
    Elyani, Nessirfiti and YourNameHere like this.
  3. YourNameHere Lorekeeper

    How do you know this? Did they say?

    Get a video of it, report it, and them move on. Also, naming and shaming on the forums is against the rules.
  4. Roxxlyy Augur

    Not here on the forums, as the dev team does not have the ability to get involved with reports or inquiries on player accounts. Send any evidence you have over to the CS team at help.daybreakgames.com.
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