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How do you preoccupy yourself when the servers are down?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by SmoochyOfWolfington, May 6, 2020.

  1. Broozer Augur

    Lots of cooking and pickling.

    Pickling adventures include: pickled onions, green beans, okra, cucumbers, jalapenos, beets, eggs

    One of my cooking favorites recently: sweet potato and fennel hash with a bourbon reduction

    Also: I play on test server so I don't undergo the same amount of strife as the live server folks :)
  2. Zamiam Augur

    I just switched to test myself , and am enjoying it .
  3. eqgamer Augur

    I usually try to copy/save my toons' ui and ini files as although I save regularly, I am constantly making adjustments. And although small adjustments, I don't like trying to figure out what I had changed in the past month or two.
  4. Broozer Augur

    When I used to pay for a subscription, I felt compelled to log in. Now on test, I log in when I want to.
  5. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    It was one of the reasons I have held back from paying yearly back in the day. (Plus I was in the military and you are not always home so to speak.) To pay now I'd feel I would be losing out on money if I did not spend every waking moment when I had free time playing Everquest. And although there are times that I am feverishly playing it, there are days that go by I may just log in and then right back out again or simply not at all. I was learning Japanese before I got back into EQ. Now my Japanese is suffering, even though it was never great to begin with. ^^!

    Ever tried this?

    or kimchi?
  6. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    No EQ? =(

    No problem! ^^!