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How do you preoccupy yourself when the servers are down?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by SmoochyOfWolfington, May 6, 2020.

  1. Windchaser New Member

    Awesome. Check out the YouTube channel called 40k Theories as well. The guy makes sweet lore videos and explores a lot of what ifs.
  2. Khat_Nip Meow

    You two have got to be the worst pairing of people in the history of forever.
    Garlic and onions are some of the best things in the food world.
  3. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    We are - our taste in food is almost polar opposites. He hates onions, I love em. He hates mushrooms, broccoli, bell peppers, my chili, my tacos, and really just about anything I cook. He's heavy into pasta, and I can't stand the smell of it being cooked. We spend a lot of time with my door closed, so I can't smell what he's doing, and he can't smell what I'm eating.

    However.... it's his house. So I *generally* bow to his preferences. However, he can kiss my butt about the chili and tacos. I don't use onions in them, but I'm certainly not giving up the meat!
    RPoo and Celephane like this.
  4. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    That's telling him! ^^!

    On a side note... how is he with cilantro?
  5. Brosa Augur

    Funny.... i visit the EQ forums that I rarely ever visit and reply to threads like this!
  6. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    Oh crap... I forgot I posted that video in my initial post... *FACEPALM*
  7. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    He's alright with it, afaik. I'm one of those people that taste it as soap, so I don't use it. Good times.

    We really are a match made in hell tho. I'm a day-sleeper (yes, I have a reflection. Mirrors aren't backed by silver anymore!) and he's a night-sleeper. I love horror movies; he can't stand them. He reads non-fiction books, and I'm all about vampires and dragons and magic. He also reads actual, like, books. With paper. I read off my tablet, cause I can do it laying down in the dark. For that matter, I hate turning a light on, and he can't seem to function without one.

    We dated for about 3 or 4 of the 9 years we've lived together, and then just gave it up as a lost cause. We're still best friends, and love each other, but as far as compatibility goes, I think all we share is EQ and a love of reading, albeit different things in different ways. Oh, and a large vocabulary and sarcasm.
  8. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    This is not to sound racist, but the way I will tell it, it may seem that way. When I was married to my ex she was Mexican. Her uncle owned a bakery/restaurant. I would eat there and always be annoyed with some of the food. I'd ask her, as her mom worked the kitchen, who is washing the dishes back there, because they are doing a poor job of rinsing them as they always taste like soap! She did not have an answer for me.

    We would also eat at Pho Noodle restaurants and again after I got fed up I was like, these people do not know how to wash dishes either! Finally I asked the waitress, what is this green stuff floating in the soup. She said green onion. I was like no, the chopped leafy parsley looking things. She said cilantro. I picked it up on the tip of my finger and put it in my mouth. Disgusting! From then on I have ordered every thing from every where without cilantro. ^^! Foods taste much better now. Even the smell is a turn off, smells like sweaty buttocks and armpit. Almost everyone I know likes it to some extent at least.
    Winnowyl likes this.
  9. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    Do something else. The end.
  10. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    Cilantro is fantastic. Your genes need culled.
    Khat_Nip likes this.
  11. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

  12. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    And a couple more.
    Rental Reviews (Cinemassacre)
  13. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Yeah, I first figured out what it was at a Mexican restaurant. They'd added a little too much to their salsa, and the entire thing tasted like I was dipping chips in dish soap. I asked the waitress about it, and she was just like 'yeah, too much cilantro today; you must be one of those people that taste it weird.' So I came home and googled it, and was glad to see that I'm not the only one, and disappointed in the fact that I'm like that at all.

    I had a similar reaction when I discovered that my *raw* fruits and veggies allergies are part of something called Oral Allergy Syndrome. I can go into anaphylaxis because I ate a raw apple, but I can eat apple pie just fine. It's all in the cooking. I'm allergic to nearly all raw fruits and veggies, so I have to double check to make sure that everything is COOKED before I eat it. No banana slices in vanilla pudding for me! /sadface
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Servers still down....going back to bed!
  15. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    The funny thing is, my ex wife nor her parents would cook with cilantro for themselves. It was only really part of the restaurant. So it was never like I had that flavor at my place or her parents and neither did my Mexican girl friend before that or my chow hall, etc. And regular Chinese take out also does not use cilantro or mine did not anyway, so until I ate at Pho and again besides that Mexican restaurant I had never encountered it before. Now why it taste like dish soap to me I have no idea. However it is cheap and nutritious.

    That sucks you can not eat raw fruits and vegetables as most things are better raw than cooked with a few exceptions. Vitamin B and especially C are water/heat soluble, meaning cooking in general and especially certain methods make them basically disappear and the health benefits nonexistent. I would say at the end of cooking and or reheating to add the juice of a fresh lemon or lime to get back some vitamin C and to eat some raw vegie with the cooked, but since you can not, DON'T. But if you drink the water the vegetables were cooked in, you will get enough. Some call it pot liquor.

    And when I was younger, maybe still to this day, I am just more mindful, eating a really ripe green banana or an eggplant will make my throat and ears itch. But nothing like my throat is constricting or anything like that. But I do rely on fresh fruits and vegetables to keep up a healthy immune system, especially oranges, garlic and onions.
  16. mikey anchorage Journeyman

    Look for a game worth playing
  17. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    Not a movie, but interesting.

  18. Dracolindus Journeyman

    Complaining about the downtime on the forums has apparently gained a lot of popularity.
  19. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    I did not know they put cilantro in ramen. Nissan Top Ramen Hot & Spicy Beef has dried cilantro flakes. At first I had thought I did not rinse out the pot good enough after washing it. I had to look at the ingredients and there it was. Right in the middle. It is dried so the flavor was not over whelming, but I surely will not be buying it again. Good reason to always read the ingredients. o0
    Winnowyl likes this.
  20. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    Some good old Robot Chicken loving. ^^!