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How do you preoccupy yourself when the servers are down?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by SmoochyOfWolfington, May 6, 2020.

  1. Zvenn Just an old monk

    yeah Leo has a ton of covers, i enjoy most of his stuff...although this one is by far one of the more annoying ones. being a metal head i figure if you can take a song i normally cant stand and make it somewhat entertaining, you got some skill :)
    Celephane likes this.
  2. Windchaser New Member

    Been trying to figure out what class I want to play. And I recently picked up Mechwarrior 5 and Bannerlord so been playing them. Watched some movies ive wanted to see and painted some of my Warhammer minis.
  3. Sakuraba Augur

    Trials of Mana is now pretty much complete.

    I wanted a nap, but I never got it.

    Well, only about 5 more hours now. xD
  4. wickedlittlewoodelf Journeyman

    I craft in game and out. I bought a Cricut Maker and am having a blast with it.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  5. Braveheart Augur

    Looks like I might get my wife faction to ally tonight!
    Magneress, RPoo and Nennius like this.
  6. Ranger Dave Lorekeeper

    I read E-Books on my Kindle or listen to audio books. I highly recommend "Johannes Cabal the Necromancer" by Jonathan L. Howard. Great series of books. Really great audio books.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  7. Cuuthbert Augur

  8. Questoften32 Augur

    I insist on reading in print novels ''for pleasure'' on pc's gives me a bad headache and its not the same. I also cannot envision the characters ''assign voices'' properly if read to me. I find it annoying. I like to re-taste certain lines also...not scanning but reading.

    I have leaned to be aware of both styles of reading and stopped the former cold ''scanning''. Its why so many need audio books, they scan so reading actually cuts there pleasure ''theory''. Also Illiteracy and poor eyesight Ofc.

    I always initially associated audio books with the blind, like captions for the def, there popularity of late amuses me.

    Anyway Re-reading ''Houses without doors'' by Peter Straub. I recommend ''The Buffalo hunter'' to some MMO friends especially. Its really the best story in the collection. The rest are indicative of the Authors change of style. One I disagree with.
    Ranger Dave likes this.
  9. Khat_Nip Meow

    I tend to my chile pepper plants, do some programming, keep my locksport skills up, bake something, and play with the cat.
  10. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    I have a "Katt Nip" on Xegony! Guild is <Fur Balls>
    Khat_Nip likes this.
  11. Buster_Shruggs Augur

    Finishing up ARRT CE credits! Oh and Forumquest...
  12. Portis Augur

    I watched a fairly new Van Damme movie with the Mrs tonight (instead of the usual raid) and was pleasantly surprised.. Decent flik (The Bouncer).
  13. Magneress Augur

    Yeah I did this a bit, been meaning to do a little bit more exploring.

    https://johnayliff.itch.io/seedship Seedship by John Ayliff is worth a few hundred thousand clicks :p it used to be easier to get dystopian police states but it is way rarer to get those. I haven't gotten a paradise world yet since it's updated, but I have gotten a lot of peaceful miedival utopia where everyone lives full and happy productive lives attaining cosmic enlightenment. Kinda like an EQ journey lol. Plus it's free :)
  14. Ranger Dave Lorekeeper

    I live and travel in a small motorhome so I don't have room to keep a lot of books. With my kindle paperwhite I can have a large library in my pocket. I really got into audio books when I worked for Intel. I would listen to them while doing my CAD layouts. They are also great to listen to while driving my home around the country.
  15. strikemaster Journeyman

    Take a 2 week vacation....at this speed I will be back before servers are up
    cadres and Ranger Dave like this.
  16. svann Augur

    I used to read books, then kindle, and then found out I could have a kindle app on the iphone so I use that. Sure I cant underscore text or buy new books thru the app, but its just so convenient not to have to go looking for the kindle. Its always with me.
    Ranger Dave likes this.
  17. Lumenace Journeyman

    Baiting, lots and lots of baiting.
    You could say I am a master at this point.
  18. Rhaane New Member

    Deep Rock Galactic - Rock n Stone!
  19. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    Well if you are allergic you are allergic, (do you have a reflection in the mirror by any chance...) but room mate loathing something is not of much concern. Both fresh garlic and onions are very good for the immune system. Since yours is already in trouble I would definitely use them. HOWEVER since you said you are allergic to garlic, that leaves onions. So you can not eat pickles or anything with garlic in it cooked, pickled or otherwise?
    They say dandelions are good eatin
  20. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    You are going to be a shriveled prune. ^^!

    I just started getting into Warhammer 40K, the lore at least anyway. I bought some dice and some army men to stage wars. ^^!

    Windchaser likes this.