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How do you play

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Randomized, Jul 28, 2024.

  1. Randomized Augur

    Over the past couple weeks and playing with a slew of different people/classes and watching how they do things, I've noticed there's hardly anyone who plays the same way....or I've just been unlucky lol

    So I'm curious, when you're playing, how do you go about it?
    For example, I don't save my abilities for nameds (Lord knows i've saved them before and cleared a camp 6 times and never got it to spawn), i rotate through them one at a time, usually about every other pull, so it keeps things sped up a little, but i dont blow the entire load so I do have some in reserve for when the rare does decide to rear it's ugly head.

    Others I've seen pretty much just /autoattack (looking at you Rangers with your bows! or monk with with their simple /autoskills).

    And I've also seen someone who literally treats every pull as a raid burn moment and activate everything they can as soon as they can regardless of the scenario.

    How do you conduct yourselves!?
  2. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Depends on the situation really.
    Typical time of grouping with my friends, I hold burns for named, and just run my normal rotation. There is always the argument that if you keep the burn on cooldown then you can clear more, but, eh, the group I roll with is usually pretty laid back. Plus, I am usually on split/pull duty, which I enjoy doing.

    I have been hanging out with these people since EoK, so we all know how each other plays. But I am always happy to group with others, to learn their play styles, and adapt as needed. It is always amusing to volunteer to pull with a new group, then light up the xtar window with a smoke bomb just to see how the group reacts when I show back up in camp with only one mob.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Rogue - use AAs/disc with less than 6 min reuse timer.
    Wizzy - basic nuke pattern for minimal mana usage, with twincast spell when it is up. Save long refresh AAs for named.
  4. Vumad Cape Wearer

    If I am grinding XP, I cycle my burns to maximize net output.

    If I am camping a named, I may save my burns to burn down that named. If I don't need the DPS for the named, see the previous entry.

    I don't see much a reason for any other approach.
  5. kizant Augur

    XP vs named shouldn't matter if you're in a group with other people. The goal is always to do the most damage and to make people feel bad for being lazy.
    Annastasya likes this.
  6. Randomized Augur

    Depends though. I get more dps on sustained over an hour by not doing as much dps as possible and by spreading out my power boosts as opposed to popping burns 1 2 and 3 on pulls 1 2 3 and not having anything else for the next 10 minutes
  7. Act of Valor The Newest Member

  8. Randomized Augur

    I support that
  9. Flatchy Court Jester

    It depends on the situation. I box 4 so have my macros all set up. I pull with sk , sic pet and dott it up, switch to bard. Assist attack and start melody, switch to beast. Assist, sic pet, hit first macro casting spells, then switch to mage (atm sham is max AA and I do like the mage). Assist, attack sic pet, hit first macro. Back to beast hit second macro, back to mage hit second macro and mob is usually dead before all that.

    So I save the good stuff for the nameds usually. maxing a lesson is not something I worry about all my (main 4) toons are always max aa before summer anyway usually.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Randomized like this.
  10. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    The vast majority of the time it's best to just sustain as much damage as you possibly can. Learn which burns stack well for your class, and which should be staggered to accomplish this. Saving burns for a named is largely an old school playing style, back when your cooldowns were very long. These days saving burns for a named would only make sense if you actually need them to kill the named, which is pretty rare in current content.
    Flatchy likes this.
  11. Sissruukk Rogue One

    This may be but let us say you are camping the Queen in Pal'lomen. You and your fellow group mates pull from the camp, burn everything down in a pull or two. Then what are you doing the next 7 minutes? Nothing, unless you are pulling other things further out. Even then your burn is ticking away waiting for those mobs to make it in.

    I yank them out one at a time, and by the time we get the last one down, the first one starts to spawn, keeping the camp in constant rotation. Plus, with me pulling, it would waste my burn. Basically, it boils down to you and I receiving the same amount of xp in the same time period, except you are sitting there doing nothing for most of it.

    If I am in a group that doesn't use me as a puller, and they are pulling in 2-3 mobs at a time, I may use burns on a cycle, but even then it depends on if there are enough mobs to chain pull or not. I hate popping a burn cycle to just sit there and have half+ the timer of it wasted on waiting for pulls or respawn. I hate downtime in general.
    Flatchy likes this.
  12. Roxas MM Augur

    1 handed ;)
    Nennius and Sissruukk like this.
  13. Randomized Augur

    Ditto. I've got my BST + Bard parked in Kor-Sha Labs currently because the way it's set up I can clear a room and start pulling from adjacent rooms if I'm clearing too quickly. I hate rotating in an ability and go to the second room to realize the mobs haven't started responding yet /le sigh
  14. FYAD Augur

    Why wouldn't you be doing this anyways? If the group can clear the named placeholders in half the time, pull the next nearby named camp. Pull all the mobs from as far away as need be to always have a constant stream of mobs coming into camp and dying. As long as the group can handle it, which also plays into the original poster's question. If the group is utilizing all of the tools available to them, they will be able to handle more mobs per pull and quicker turnaround to the next pull.

    It also helps if someone other than the tank does the pulling so that they can chain pull before the current batch is completely dead. Single pulling is generally not necessary for group survival in modern era content because it's been tuned very easy relative to past EQ eras (PoP/GoD/OoW). So pretty much anyone can pull since you don't need to split. Lots of DPS classes have AOE options, so I always like to pull 3-4 at a time and AOE them down. As a Berserker main, I get antsy if my group tank pulls singles all day long and I have to sit on my thumbs between kills.

    I'm generally assuming, of course, a full group where no one is boxing, which may not be everyone's case. I'm making that assumption because the OP's question wasn't asked with qualifiers so I'm going to assume no other limiting factors. So when everyone in the group is playing efficiently and utilizing the tools available to them, you can kill larger quantities of mobs in the same time frame. It's way more fun and active to play this way and your evolving item xp moves faster as well.
  15. Randomized Augur

    Nope, no limitations on how you decide to tackle the question.
    I solo/molo/box occasionally so it's different for everyone, but even so, i'm still chain pulling regardless (unless I have to pull from another camp, then it can get a little dicey as BST is what i'm driving - not so bad if I've got the Bard with me).
  16. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Well, in my reference, I used the Queen in Pal'lomen, which is a pretty isolated camp. Things go very different at, say, the Rallosian camp in Unkempt Woods, where we would keep the whole camp on lockdown (3 named).
  17. Nennius Curmudgeon

    In my case...

    Sissruukk likes this.
  18. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Yes, deliberately killing more slowly to keep yourself busy with fewer mobs is also an option. It's not one that I prefer, but hey it's a game after all, if you have fun that way then go for it :)
  19. Randomized Augur

    That's blasphemy!! Lol
  20. Mithra Augur

    Use everything at all times, then post combined parse doing 50% of the group damage to shame them.
    Annastasya and Flexin like this.