how do you get out of cresent reach?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by tsuchan6, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. tsuchan6 New Member

    I'm in C resent Reach and would like to go to POK. how do i leave?
  2. IblisTheMage Augur

    Have you downloaded the maps?
  3. bigpapa Augur

    you could claim ( /claim ) your gift of legacies lost [ there is a 5 charges port to pok in there and 10x double xp for 30 min each ] .

    you can try the find window to see where are the connecting zones ( CTRL + F ) to open the find window. you can try to hit the backspace to open the map .

    ** once in pok you can check for soulbinder to get you bind in pok, as well.**
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Cresent Reach over the little bridge to - Blightfire Moors - stay to the right along the mountain and the book to POK is right there.
  5. tsuchan6 New Member

    Thanks. You are champs.
  6. GoneFission Augur

    I started playing when POP had just been released. No maps, I had no idea where to get anywhere or find help. I spent my first evening just trying to get out of Halas. When I started a dark elf, I knew what a maze even the outer parts of Neriak could be, so I took a swing at my GM and woke up fully dressed in Nektulos. I didn’t go back into Neriak for weeks.
  7. Geroblue Augur

    Ftp are placed in CR for home city. In the tutorial, you can go to pok by going up to Alias and

    /say I am ready to leave

    He will send you to pok.