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Duplicate Horrible patch destroyed my UI

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by TheTidalblade, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. TheTidalblade New Member

    So, I logged in and my UI looked like a battlefield.
    I managed to load my UI before the patch for my main character, which I use as a base for ALL my toons and personae.
    But... every single bag, window, tab and pop up are completely screwed.
    So, on my main character, I take the time to reset all of those things, camp out completely (full 30s camp), restart game, and log back in.
    Main character, everything hunky dory...
    Then, i load my first persona... and its the same disaster even after copying the UI.
    Every single bag, window, tab and pop up are completely screwed... again.
    Same thing for every character and every persona on 6 accounts...
    Over 100 characters/personae that have to be manually corrected.
    Thanks guys, really appreciate the fact that I have to spend the night manually correcting this.
  2. niente Developer

    Please use the /copylayout command to reload your character's UI and this should resolve the issue until we can provide a fix.
    Arborist likes this.