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Historical Anniversary Content Returns PLUS Fabled NPCs!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Laylaih, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. Laylaih Communications Coordinator


    How are you celebrating the 17th anniversary? Starting today, Wednesday, April 27th, 2016, we’re bringing back EVEN MORE anniversary content from our history – this time from anniversaries we celebrated for the first time in 2004 - 2013!

    PLUS, Fabled NPCs are back and dropping their fabled loot on all regular servers starting today! But act fast, because fabled NPCs and this historical anniversary content will only be available to play until June 8th, 2016 at 11:00PM PDT!

    You can read more about this batch of anniversary missions on Fanra’s Everquest Wiki:
    Special Note: Fabled mob and anniversary content will become available on progression servers at approximately the expansion content release when they were first introduced.

    What anniversary content is your favorite? Share with us here!
  2. Flobot New Member

    Think you should give the people actually paying for the game on Phiny something...like maybe double xp.
  3. Aurastrider Augur

    Its funny I don't remember double xp back in the day. You have access to all the live servers if you want to do the anniversary or fabled content. If you want to play old school which is what the TLP servers are suppose to be then stop complaining and enjoy the game.

    As far as the question on the actual forum I have enjoyed all the anniversary content so far. There is a nice mix of easy, medium and hard content and some very nice rewards making it worth the time invested.
  4. GloryHunter New Member

    *Sarcastically* Think you should give the people who've been paying for the game for 17 years on SolRo/Bristle something... like maybe septendecuple xp?

    Didn't Phinny get 17 Days of 170% exp. for the anniversary at the end of March, just like the rest of the servers. ?
  5. Freki Augur

    it's because we will get the expansion velious before the end of all of this... and nothing more and that means no fabled mobs for us. personally.. meh.... it's all good but i understand asking for something since phini will not get what others get...
  6. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    Why is this news? The Fableds haven't been updated in over a decade and the anniversary stuff mentioned above is between 4 and 12 years old. Let's not act like it's some exciting new content.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  7. Artuamis New Member

    Can someone go to Dragonscale Hiils . and turn the 12 ann raid with the Mechamatic Guardian on?Gearbie Gogglenoggin is suppose to be at location 1825, 2290, 122 in the Dragonscale Hills (northwest of the Citadel).
    Oxgoad likes this.
  8. Mysteweave Lorekeeper

    I play Phinny. Please do not give us another double exp event just because you're doing fableds for the other servers. We really don't need it, and people who haven't reached 60 yet just need to grind it out. If you're making alts, grind it out. Seriously, people just play too much during double exp sessions and burn out and then don't log on for two weeks. :p
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  9. Xeladom Augur

    Parts is Parts and Maximum Capacity are not turned on in Dragonscale hills
    Oxgoad likes this.
  10. Rumlebrag Elder

    Please don't listen to this person... EXP is dreadful now... I gave up levelling my alts... They will wait until another exp bonus or bonus upgrade... and I know others that feel the same.

    We don't log on cause we can't be bothered to "grind" so slowly, so we take advantage of it when the exp is sensible... now all I do is log on for raids and do tradeskills, alts are on standby.
    darkeshayde likes this.
  11. Maedhros High King

    Oh lord where to begin? This is why TLP servers are so incredibly lame.
    "New EQ is stupid, I want to play old original EQ like it was when the game was great! But uh I want instances, and exp bonuses, maps, teleporters at the boat docks, and if I dont get all that, I just wont log in!"
    I hate that Daybreak is using all these resources on a cash grab. In my experience, most of the people that are playing TLP's had long ago quit, but came back for the nostalgia(albeit glossy and far removed from the real original EQ) and once they get bored again, they will bail... again.

    Why not put those resources into sustaining the hardcore population of players that never quit in the first place and have been around and will continue to be around as long as the game is good. There are so many problems right now that need fixing.
  12. Hellboy007 Augur

    I would trade all that other fluff in for the 17th raid to be extended to june 8th.... im sure lots of raiders would agree.
    Iila and RangerDanger#1 like this.
  13. NoBuffs New Member

    The irony of the normal server people, who by and large are f2p players, complaining that the people on the TLP servers, who must pay for access, are asking for something and acting like we are the ones who are "entitled".

    Ask yourselves a real question:

    If there was a "free" Costco membership, that let you do basically everything a paying customer did, and that included specials and the like, and then there was a "Paying the Bills to Keep the Store Open" membership, who didn't get to take advantage of nearly anything that the free folks did, would you see a problem with that? Would they be "entitled" to maybe think that since they are the population that is 100% paying for the service, and that your population is maybe 50% paying, that maybe THEY should be reaping the rewards a bit more than you?

    Keep in mind, I have had an SoE/DBG account since the day the EQ servers went live, and owned my copy a day prior to servers going live (worked at Electronic's Boutique at the time), so it's not like I just showed up suddenly and want my perks. I don't get to claim my rewards. Is it really too much to ask for some dbl xp time? You know, since I HAVE TO pay to play on my server? Serious question.....
  14. Erki New Member

    1) Company announces new content
    2) Sheep get excited and complete content
    3) Reward requires All Access account to claim
    4) Sheep signs up for All Access
    5) Reward still not granted
    6) Sheep stir more, contact head sheep
    7) Head Sheep replies:
    Greetings Erki,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with the task Gifts of Steel. Regrettably I am unable to grant any rewards from this task, or progress it if it is not updating properly as this is not something within the scope of a GM to correct.

    8) Sheep cancels All access and goes back to watching reruns of South Park.
  15. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    "The irony of the normal server people, who by and large are f2p players"

    Source? because if it's not true, nothing you say has any point.

    Progression is a COST, with HUGE Customer Service and Developer resource drain.
    Yinla and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  16. Warpeace Augur

    NO. You will get the classic experience grinding xp up hill both ways in the snow!!
  17. Derd Augur

    Other than box account not a single ftp only player in our guild. I have no idea how you come up with regular servers are mostly ftp. BTW ftp accounts are terrible even as boxs
  18. CrazyLarth Augur

    love the giant robot - Ann tasks - long quests for me still have 3 toons with active quests - hope to maybe finish them this yea.
  19. Blastin New Member

    If phinny gets double xp, give RF and LJ instanced raids!
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I had to burst your bubble but Live server players are not by and large FTP. I have run a guild on the regular servers for close to 17 years and the majority of my members are paid subscribers... many with multiple accounts. So yes the Live servers have free to play players but it's not the majority though like you I have no hard figures to back me up BUT since Daybreak keeps making expansions for the Live servers and FTP are generally going to wait for an expansion to become free I think we can safely say at the very least that the Live servers have enough paid subscribers that Daybreak still feels its worthwhile to create expansions for them.
    Kembas, Yinla and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
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