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Higher ratio weapons

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Malore, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. Malore New Member

    What does everyone think about the new, higher-ratio weapons? I had a monk staff drop from a group names in the second zone with a ratio better than spectral lucilinite.

    Parses will have to be done, but I like it that DB is doing something to help melee DPS.
  2. ezoz New Member

    melee dps needed it for sure. Also will now make open raids of older content easier. which is good bc the raid armor is still better.
    Ozon likes this.
  3. Riou EQResource

    They were generic boosts that didn't solve the major issues
    Cadira and Velisaris_MS like this.
  4. drizerker Lorekeeper

    Jury is still out but appreciate the efforts made.
  5. Micker99 Augur

    Should help a lot, I would imagine. I know my BL, even with a raid 2hd, just wasn't putting out the dps I had hoped for. I don't even play my berserker, because their dps in groups wasn't worth it. Hoping now they jump up a lot.
  6. Tuco Augur

    Thanks, monks, for being neglected so badly for a decade that my shadowknight and warrior can benefit from a massive increase to their knight/war only weapons.

    I hope your DPS scales with weapon ratio as much as my shadowknight and warrior!! I'm sure you have something equivalent to SPA482 and SPA459 from

    https://www.raidloot.com/aa?name=Weapon Mastery&effect=Increase Base Hit Damage&class=&level=&tab=&exp=All Max Rank

    https://www.raidloot.com/aa?name=Weapon Stances&effect=&class=&level=&tab=Archetype&exp=All Max Rank

    FranktheBank, kizant and Sancus like this.
  7. kyong Augur

    I'm really surprised they continue to give tanks such power. Why were their weapons increased at all?

    Monks have huge issues. Like if you take away kick mastery, even with focusing of brithrax +50% dmg to kicks, I might kick for 1k-2k at lvl 120. The base damage of the specials is horrific. Same for tiger claw.

    My Rogue can stun more than my monk can too, I love that. Stunning round kick? what a joke.

    I could post a dozen differences, backstab scaling by weapon, flying kick not at all, massive strike proccing multiple times per keypress of backstab vs a single potential thunderkick per keypress of flying kick, massive strike scaling at 100 dmg per AA rank vs 25 for thunderkick (probably related to how the monks are expected to have fatewalkers on a mob to get the 25% boost.

    I love my rogue, do I need to shadowstrike them to get a backstab dmg boost and handicap my class like the above? No, I can do full riposte dmg on every mob even ones I'm not targetting without the need for single target debuffs like fatewalks and two finger wasp touch.

    Throw in slight differences like my rogues obfuscated blade vs dragons poise. kinda rediculous, rogue 2 minute recast that reapplies itself vs monk 20 minute recast with no reapply....whaaaat?

    Then my monk has 4 mash keys for throwing precision strikes that scale horribly? Don't even have any aa's to increase throwing damage...but my rogue does!

    I could go on. I had to edit to add this...knifeplay vs eye of the storm? laugh.
  8. Micker99 Augur

    Probably why I haven't seen someone playing a monk in forever. I think most people who want to play monks, just make beastlords now. Get a free uber tank for yourself. These new weapons will help, but they help every melee class and won't push the monk up above them.
  9. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Monks got destroyed by the weapon ratio increase. Even less of a reason to play a Monk now.

    Devs - Mission: Complete.
  10. fransisco Augur

    What do you mean? I don't play a monk, but wouldn't better weapons mean monks do more damage?
  11. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Not compared to other melee no. Alot of their gains are based on abilities not tied to ratio. So they did get a boost but it is a smaller boost than the gains by other melee classes, from weapons.
    EagleTalon99 and Kutsuu like this.
  12. DaciksBB Augur

    When I played, kicks made up about half my damage
    EagleTalon99 likes this.
  13. Tolzol Augur

    While monks are still not quite where they should be, more than just the weapon ratios were done for them during beta. They added a spa 482 mod to monks weapon mastery aa. They are definitely in better shape than they were. They also have more help incoming soonish. Our monk was beating me fairly regularly the last week of beta after the spa 482 mod was added. Now to be fair with lag on live servers they do lose some swings so it won’t translate exactly the same as it was on beta. They are on par with zerkers.
  14. Szilent Augur

    It's a good thing. Bad monks have another year of smokescreen blaming devs for their under performance, while good ones can point at those sandbaggers to fish for ridiculous power spikes.

    Well, they can just as long as they keep the whiners from provoking the posting of parses. Which show how they do just fine compared to their melee peers.
    Jumpnow62 and Thunderkiks like this.
  15. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    And just how do you parse nowadays, Szilent? :) (betting it's pretty damn good)
  16. Szilent Augur

    lol "extremely variably" is how I parse - warrior class remains the most sensitive in game to adps since there's almost none of those fancy … whaddyacallem?… *abilities* to lean on :p
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth likes this.
  17. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    For the record, I don't have any problems parsing well with proper DPS support. My problem (smokescreen, as you put it) is even with all the changes Monks, Rogues, and Berserkers aren't where they need to be.
  18. Buds Augur

    The weapon upgrades for Berserkers, Monks/BLs should have been WAY higher. They bumped up the ratio a ton on the new weapons, but those classes need to go even higher.
    Jhenna_BB likes this.
  19. p2aa Augur

    Each time some people are bringing the "Tanks are doing too much DPS" and cry for the "nerf call", they are forgetting (or ignoring) that tanks in tanks groups with no ADPS are not doing "very good" DPS, just ok DPS. Add to this that tanks in tanks groups are also busy (if they don't, they should get better at it) to grab adds on various waves, so have to swap target a lot, which will also reduces DPS.
    So, if you nerf tank DPS own abilities, you will impact a bit Tuco group which is filled with max ADPS to enhance his tank DPS, but what is worse is that you will punish 90 % of tanks in raids that have no ADPS. And for info, guilds who have enough bards to put them in every group including tank are not counting, bard alone is ADPS and is probably the biggest ADPS contributor to sustained tank DPS

    I don't know why they increased tank weapons ratios, we never asked for it, and our ratios should have stayed the same, and not be increased. This would have then solved the problem of guilds putting extra tanks in place of some pure DPS class in full melee ADPS groups because they can parse higher, which is true.

    So, if they don't want to reverse the ratio of tanks weapons, as I repeated it over and over, if you want to reduce tank DPS, reduce the impact of ADPS on their DPS tools, not reduce tanks own DPS tools.
    kyong, Silvena and Jhenna_BB like this.
  20. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I think it's a thing of just having the weapon ratios be what they were. The tank ratios were always inflated because their innate damage is so handicapped compared to a pure melee class that isn't Warrior. It's much the same reason as priest/caster weapons receiving similar increases. All they do is whiff but they get their procs, so the damage is a non-factor.

    The devs kind have been balancing via spreadsheet for a long time and too expect them to change that for this revamp is asking too much. In the end, what's it really matter? Tanks and Casters keep their inflated ratios that account for so much less actual damage. They didn't take a hit on power for it, so why leave the spreadsheet at all? If a tank rispostes a nice hit, they just hit the mob in the stones! :)

    As long as the Devs do some honest review of melee dps classes to make certain the ratio increase is enough and adjust upwards where applicable, what they have done is a fix. If not, Monks, Beastlords & Berzerkers who all seem to feel underwhelmed will continue to lag behind the other melee dps classes. Driving a Ranger all the time, I feel like the ratio increase was good for us from a sustained auto attack perspective on damage compared to other dps centric melee classes. In the case of Ranger and Beastlord, my caveat to that is our blue mana bar is what keeps us in the conversation of mostly functional classes when the character is being played to it's full potential. No mana recovery is still an issue, weapon ratio increase or not. Both classes are on the hairy edge of our adps is what keeps us employed on raid rosters versus what the average Ranger or BL damage output potential dictates our overall usefulness to the roster. They're always exceptional players that will perform to the best of their ability, with whatever handicap the class has at any given time. Having the periods of time where mana is low, where you aren't able to use your ABC's is a detriment to both classes. There's nuance from class to class that I continue to have no faith in the Devs overall ability to balance classes correctly. It's gone on too long that incomplete work has been done to the point for so many classes in EQ. I repeat - I have zero faith, and you earned that, Devs.