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Hey, return focus effects.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Fizon, May 1, 2024.

  1. Fizon Augur

    Did anyone ask for this? There are a lot of items that are just useless without the effects they offer. Would introduce different gearing options.

    I know we are down to 20 days or whatever but if it's a matter of flipping a switch please consider it.
  2. Celatusp99 Augur

    They wont but I would support the change back to focus effects pre luclin
    Doze likes this.
  3. IheartEQ Elder

  4. Zinkeh Augur

    Absolutely do this.
  5. Moforyguy Elder

    I have been saying this forever. It makes the game more fun. The game is easy already with knowledge. Give us the fun toys to play with.
  6. Mistress Lorekeeper

    Not only is that never happening but knowing the track record of things, the code for focus effects unless salvaged from p99 or a similar place is most likely long lost technology around these parts.
  7. Fizon Augur

    We had them pre 5 years ago. I doubt this is the case.
    WeCameWeConquered and Doze like this.
  8. Doze Augur

    It is not a matter of code, it is a deliberate choice (also none of the Focus Effects we are talking about here is on P99).
    DPG first chose to turn off Focus Effects (until Luclin) for the Mangler TLP and have kept it that way ever since, but considering that DPG didn't also turn off the passive dmg boost that melees get then they definitely should turn on Focus Effects already in Classic again (for the reasons already described in this thread)
    And DPG doing so is absolutely not on the same "will with 99,99% certainty never happen" list as Manastones , corpse runs, all race/class combos unlocked in Classic, unlimited boxing already in Classic etc.
    Neceros likes this.
  9. CdeezNotes Augur

    A lot of damage spells are already more powerful than their classic versions.

    E Bolt for example is 246% more powerful per tick.
  10. CdeezNotes Augur

  11. Kobra Augur

    They turned them off because Mangler was supposed to be some "hardcore" server but the community told them that was a bad idea which they surprisingly listened to, but they kept some of their ideas one of which was turning off focus effects because they said it was the first step to balancing the game back to what it was in 99, but in typical DBG fashion they never revisited it and we're stuck with it and overtuned melee.
    Crabman likes this.
  12. Fizon Augur

    A lot is a bit of an overstatement. For necros it's just e bolt and a couple more for shamans. Since they did their dot rework all the way
  13. CdeezNotes Augur

    I mean...You're wrong? Nukes have changed a lot as well. As I played a druid for many years, take a look at Wildfire. It's been boosted by like 200 damage while having a faster caster rate.

    The only dots that were not revamped were ones that are necro exclusive if I recall.
  14. Mistress Lorekeeper

    I mean people have always wanted the old freeport, lavastorm and or nek back but we don't get them cuz the code is gone and or because nobody at DBG knows how to revert it.
  15. CdeezNotes Augur

    Focus effects are most likely just part of the config file for the server. Once it hits an expansion, it turns it on. Has nothing to do with lost code. Similar switch to FTE, random loot, or anything thats based on unlocked at certain thresholds.
  16. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    This has been debunked so many times.

    They have literally said it on video.

    Since day one they have used source control. VSS at day one.

    They have all the files. You can go to old Freeport (one part). Look it up.
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.
  17. Doze Augur

    The major DD and AE revamp occured all the way back in 2005 - before the first progression server (Combine).

    Yeah, the DoT revamp was insane for many reasons, but that doesn't really help players without DoTs and the majority of spells in the game are buffs, debuffs, heals and DDs.

    Focus Effects made some classes a bit more viable for group play in Classic-Velious (primarily by stretching their mana pool) and on raids it helped alleviate some of the tedium from mass buffing (especially before the various group buffs becomes available).
  18. Legends Elder

    It's kinda BS didn't they randomly remove it for the "hard" Mangler server? It really sucks for casters.

    Let casters have a little power in the early eras since they are already SOOO bad in the 70 era and bring back focus effects!!
    Fizon likes this.
  19. ForumBoss Augur

    I'm fairly sure I saw somewhere that the devs aren't interested in returning the focus effects, but I agree with the post. Melee and charm pets are so strong that beefing up spells slightly with focus effects still wouldn't push the balance scales to the other side. Plus having focus on items adds an element of uniqueness and fun over flat stats which do almost nothing.
  20. Fizon Augur

    Exactly why is this a thing. It's already melee quest for 90% of this game.