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Hey guys returning after 4 years

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, Feb 7, 2021.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    Was thinking about starting on aradune, luclin just came out I heard but I don't know anyone and thinking maybe I should just wait another year till a new tlp comes out? Then I can just make friends while leveling.

  2. Thewiz Augur

    Plenty of low level groups right now. Why wait?
  3. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Get in now, make friends. If you want to jump to the new one in a couple months (will likely be a new TLP shortly, now another year) then you still can, but you might have friends on Aradune by then. Life's short, don't wait to have fun,
  4. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    welcome back to EQ

    Luclin means plenty will be making Beastlords so grouping should be plentiful.

    As good a time as any to jump in & guilds are almost always looking for new members.
  5. Lamberduim Elder

    So not trying to be rude or anything. I checked the server pop list and it says high, but is nobody a lowbie? I regged last night, made a Ranger, got to level 5 and started LFG.

    Nobody under level 20 was LFG, and the two groups looking for more were 50+.

    So I did a /who all palu for paludals cavern and nobody.....

    Did a /who all halfling Ranger expecting to see alot and saw 9

    Might have to just wait for the next tlp :(
  6. TheTone Elder

    Couple things:
    1. Using /who all <insert zone> doesn't work on TLPs.
    2. Most people leveling up new characters are alts with L60 main(s).
    3. Those alts are also likely getting power-leveled to at least 40 because they don't want to go thru the leveling grind again.
    4. If you're looking for the nostalgic feeling while leveling, you'll probably want to wait until a new TLP and hope you can actually log in before everyone is 50.