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Heroics for tanks, Agility, Stamina, Or Dexterity?

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Thren, May 22, 2022.

  1. Tucoh Augur

    To my knowledge, no one has shown that. I believe the challenge is that the boss' particular stats (specifically accuracy/strikethrough) influence the benefit of heroic agility. Since those stats aren't known, you'd have to parse the impact against a particular mob.

    I believe it'd require some time tanking an interesting raid boss with a controlled enough environment over a long enough time to parse out a ~1k difference in hAgility. This would probably require a team of people to heal the tank and stall the raid and would produce results unique to that particular raid encounter.

    Since we only care enough about the distinction to make snide comments on the forums about 50-200k DPS vs n% less chance to be hit, the parsing to define that n% less chance to be hit doesn't happen.
  2. Cadira Augur

    I wonder if cov or tov raid bosses have roughly the same strike through as tol. Hell, I could run in on the sk and a few healers and just face tank the boss for awhile with each set of augs.

    Problem is, idk if the sk I have on the server with several healers at my disposal has enough raid gear/tribute to push my hstat high enough to see the difference as my other sk with all that stuff.
  3. tsiawdroi TittyGOAT

    I believe cov/tov is higher than tol. As in cov/tov = 100%.
  4. Cadira Augur

    Could be, but I wonder if they simply cast the illusion of being higher due to people not being able to push their stats high enough with the type 5s and such available in era at the time to see less than 100%.
  5. Wulfhere Augur

    Agility is opposed by Accuracy for the hit/miss check that leads every swing calculation.
    Strikethrough only matters with HAgi if a swing reaches the dodge check, i.e. very few.
    Skuz and Tucoh like this.
  6. Tucoh Augur

    Thanks for the correction.
  7. Cadira Augur

    Good stuff, so do we know if this is displayed on eqlogparser as accuracy? Or something else? Or not at all?
  8. kizant Augur

    The accuracy column is just the percent of the time you weren't specifically "missed". So, it counts dodge, block, etc as a hit when figuring that out. It doesn't sound like it would help much for what you're asking for but I haven't followed any of this very closely. You can look at dodge counts though and I imagine if all you change is hagi they'd go up but might take a super long parse to be useful.
    Skuz and Cadira like this.
  9. Cadira Augur

    Gotcha! There was some other collum but I can't remember what I was called without being at my comp...might have literally been "%missed" if that's true I'm guessing that translates literally? Which is what I was curious if you could parse a difference with a strong hagi build.
  10. kizant Augur

    There's only two percent columns. One for accuracy and one for hit percent. Meaning the percentage of time you took damage from all the attempts that were made. All the other columns are just raw counts.
    Cadira likes this.
  11. Dropfast Augur

    The answer is quite simple. No one build is really better than the other as they will all shine on certain mobs / situations and not so much on others. It all depends on what you are doing / killing at that time.
    Some say Agi is king because it has more defense bonus than Dex.
    Some say Dex because it has the most benefits overall, helps both defense and offense.
    Some say Sta because HP is king and works on ALL damage.
    Some say balance as you get more gains overall.

    I think we all know by now in this game the differences are so small it's nearly impossible to parse out. Not only that but what you're parsing against will skew the numbers and never tell the whole story. Anything short of doing like a thousand hour long parses of ALL current mobs and comparing / combing them all to get the full story will only show part of the bigger picture.

    What I will say is in my experience, HP is King. We've all heard the arguments. (Dex)dodging that one hit could save your life and will add up to more damage in the long run.bla bla bla.. (Agi) Can add avoidance and bring average hits down so it's better! bla bla bla. But ON THE AVERAGE, the people I see who live while everyone else is dead, both in group and especially on raids, are the high HP people. Period. That most certainly includes Tanks.

    With how nasty and huge AE's are now, HP is more important than ever. Unlike all other defense gains, HP works on ALL damage in the game period. There is no Cap, there is no Softcap, there are no diminishing gains, it works on magic damage, it works on melee damage, it works on unresistable damage. It works on everything, Period.

    But this is just one guys opinion. Like everything else in here. Until the day someone puts in the ENDLESS hours parsing out ALL of the builds on EVERTHING current, both group and raid, we will never know what's truly better. Nuff said ><
    Maedhros, Syylke_EMarr and Tucoh like this.
  12. Wulfhere Augur

  13. keel Journeyman

    pre-ToL I would agree with everything you said word for word (ran hsta in tov/cov) something clearly was changed in ToL . My particular experience for ToL is our high ac folks with the highest avoid are simply better tanks (across all events in any role). Healers when talking about who is harder vs easy to keep alive seem to confirm it i.e. "eye test" . A tight splash rotation is all that is needed for these ae's. I'd provide parses from our heal team but as has been mentioned the amount of variables makes it difficult to properly quantify... earlier in the thread Sand said "All that matters is raids get won." I think he is on to something...
    Dropfast, Skuz and The real Sandaormo like this.
  14. Thren Elder

    wow, still talking about this 2 months later? I stayed Hagi, had too many to start over on another stat.. is what it is.
  15. Evast Lorekeeper

    So I’ve been reading along this thread (all the further I’ve made it so far), hoping to see someone mentioning diminishing returns. And only for the sake of my curiosity, and not because of my knowledge (or lack thereof).

    But has anyone broken it down into combinations? Like a deliberate split. Not a 100% Dex or a hodgepodge of “I use whatever I got”. But a deliberate split, so like say out of a combined 4000 heroic points, taking a look at what 2800 Dex followed by 1200 Agility does as opposed to 3700 Dex and 300 Agi? Like 2800 Dex hits a cap, and then from that point forward, the bonuses from HAgi outweigh the next points of HDex.

    I apologize if this has been discussed further in the thread. I plan on finishing reading it all, just trying to stay awake during my last night shift
  16. Tucoh Augur

    Diminishing returns happen with dex when you start hitting dex caps with certain buffs. You can calculate how much dex that is with this spreadsheet, but I'd recommend backing that up with a parse to see just how much uptime of certain buffs you're actually getting.

    Quatr likes this.
  17. Evast Lorekeeper

    Right. And now if we assume 100% uptime on said buffs ( not sure if this is plausible), and we hit those caps, would we start getting more benefit out of hAgi/hSta instead?
  18. Tucoh Augur


    There will be more stats-focused people trying to answer that question when it happens more regularly. For now I'd go for hSTA myself.
  19. Evast Lorekeeper

    Fair enough. I never made it to the point that min/maxing mattered. I was an hDex tank (on all 3) anyway :p
    Fenthen and kizant like this.
  20. kizant Augur

    Min/maxing is for bad players.