heritage crates and teleport key rings <request>

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hekaton, Jan 25, 2022.

  1. Hekaton Augur

    Now that we got a teleport keyring and are better able to carry heritage crate port items on our toons do you think its possible that all the heritage crates could pop back on marketplace for a chance to get some past gate items. i remember in 2020 you guys did bring them all back for a week which was cool but i think it would be time to do it again
    bobbin likes this.
  2. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    To be fair to DP/DbG, the teleportation keyring was added so that teleportation clickies, of which there are tons of even without the heritage crate items, would not take up so much inventory space and to allow all of the TL clickies to be found in a single location.

    The 20 hour lockout between the heritage crate TL clickies is there because the primary reason the Devs put them in is for them to be placed and used from a guild hall or housing, not to be used as clickies for an individual. Similarly, they rotate through the various different crates throughout the year, with new ones getting added in at different points in the year.