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Help me understand the current state of poisons?

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Glyndus, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. Glyndus Journeyman

    Hey all. 50ish rogue here. First time ever playing the class. One of the things I was looking forward to was finally exploring how all those "Class XX" drops worked that I previously just dismissed on other characters. As a fan of tradeskills I was interested in finally exploring the Poisonmaking skill.

    I had followed EQProgression's guide to quickly get up to 275 Poisonmaking skill. I used up each poison to get up to 195 Apply Poison. Then I took all of the various Grade XX drops I acquired and saved through leveling, went looking into what they made, and then tested the products in the field. After all this though, I came to some conclusions with what I found.

    -The older poisons that require Apply Poison skill don't really seem to do much, and since the newer poisons don't use Apply Poison skill, is that skill even relevant anymore?
    -All of the poisons save Bite of the Shissar don't really even seem to do much. Are any poisons besides the Shissar poisons useful at all?

    Granted my experience comes as a low level molo'ing rogue, so maybe I'm missing something from a group perspective. I'd love to know though, if anyone has any experience with this sort of thing.
  2. Dre. Altoholic

    Glyndus likes this.
  3. Glyndus Journeyman