Healing ... Have crits been nerfed?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Arraden, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. Arraden Augur

    Several clerics and shammies in our guild appear to be facing a drought of crits with new spells and new abilities.

    I'm max AAs and have rank II of all new spells.

    Healing feels, ALOT harder than normal.
    the number of crits look less, and those crits appear to be less than previous.

    Also getting crits of 0k

    Anyone else notice this?

    I have a heal parse from TBM / EoK and will run one for RoS as a comparison.
  2. Arraden Augur

    So after parsing, it's not necessarily crits that are the problem...

    (They're still hitting about 40% of the time (49 spells cast in 120 secs led to 19 crits))

    Our heals as clerics are so under powered against tanks, that they barely touch the surface unless they crit.

    And with RoS AAs and abilities making any spells from previous expansions less powerful based on how the abilities work, our new spells aren't going to cut it with 260-300k HP tanks, in my opinion.
  3. Arraden Augur

    So yeah... healing seems off and even worse... when you get crit heals of 0

    Not an infrequent occurrence.
  4. Toriann Journeyman

    A few of our clerics have noticed the healing being strange lately. I have watched many times of the heals not even landing. I'll have my husband tanking something and I'll be throwing off heal after heal and his health bar won't go up. I don't know what they did to throttle our heals, but it definitely needs looked at and fixed.
    Arraden likes this.
  5. Arraden Augur

    We've had the same, Toriann.
    In fact, we were just talking about it over last week; heals not even landing and the tanks HP bar staying at the same HP.

    Even when casting several heals - like they're not even registering.