Hates Fury - Anniversary Raid

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Adroxia, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Roxxanna Augur

    Ding ding ding......we have a winner!
  2. Schadenfreude Augur

    I have to agree the whole 17th year rewards seem poorly considered. The mini-names that you have to clear for the raid serve no real purpose and would have been better used as a separate instance (from the same NPC) with either a chest at the end or a chance of appropriate rewards from each individual named.

    That said if your guild cannot beat the raid and you feel excluded for some reason then that's on you and outwith the scope of what devs are responsible for. The good folks at Freelance have proved it can be done.
    MrMajestykx likes this.
  3. Triconix Augur

    Stop right there! Logic isn't allowed on these boards. What is allowed is raider masochism towards the dirty filthy casuals.
  4. Ibadan Kun'Tirel Augur

    Yes please. Although at this point if they implemented this we (might) need some more time to complete it. (Maybe not *shrug*, I'd have to go in and have a tossle and find out)