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Has there been a response regarding the DX11 issues?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ashigaru, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Ashigaru Augur

    I've not read all of the threads on the problems caused by DX11 (cos, hey there's a lot of them!).

    Has there actually been a response from the company on what they're doing about it? I can see there's a QA in progress in the bugs forum
    kevvlar likes this.
  2. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

  3. Kyzvs Augur

    Most problems can be ironed out on the user end. I've changed my lighting options and while it's different now, I think it's a lot better (no bloom, use shadows). A couple of bits are over bright, but the rest of it looks much better.

    I'm seeing lots of corpses that refuse to lie down which causes me a few jumps every session and I really don't like the smoother, but blurry font on the inventory panel (very glad that hasn't propagated everywhere). Honeslty I get more irritated by the crowd of AFK players blocking the guild hall door than any client-based issues. I do think Dx11 worked for me because my Windows install on my gaming machine is only a few weeks old. The irony is that it was the recipient of a format / re-install because I couldn't get the old pre-dx11 EQ client to run over Christmas without constant crashes on zone in and was using my laptop, which is fine but it's fans are deafening when gaming.

    I do think there's a lot of reactionary "I hate change" feeling - I get that and I'm sure there are bugs to work through, but moving to Dx11 is an investment in the longevity of the game and we kinda need to get through the speedbumps. I do want to try to balance out the negativity with a healthy shot of praise for DBG undertaking this work.
    fransisco likes this.
  4. Ashigaru Augur

    Yeah, I've mostly fixed the issues it caused me - I would have hoped for some level of earlier response about an implementation that wasn't exactly smooth for many players.

    And ideally, a longer term fix driven by the company rather than asking players to do the fix, although I wholeheartedly agree that investing in the longevity of the game is the right approach. Which I can see is hopefully coming

    I know, perhaps my expectations are a generational thing ;). Not a moan, was a genuine query to see if there were any non-player generated fixes in the pipeline - which will help that group of players who aren't as tech-savvy.
  5. Iven Suggestions Bard

    If there are no serious problems, I do recommend the following settings instead:


    Sound: On
    Social Animations: On
    Mip Mapping: On
    Dynamic Lighting: On
    Texture Caching: Off
    Texture Compression: Off
    Texture Quality: High

    This does result in the following eqclient.ini settings:

  6. Svann2 The Magnificent

    minimind and Ashigaru like this.
  7. Zolav Augur

    Don't we pay a monthly sub fee so WE DON'T HAVE TO TAKE A WRENCH TO OUR SYSTEMS to get the game to just be half-arsed playable?

    I have decided NOT to buy a new system to be able to play the game. My system easily meets the specs so I should be able to enjoy the game. It is one hot mess after another with this game.

    It kinda sucks too cause the class I love is decent again.
    Yinla, OldTimeEQ1 and kevvlar like this.
  8. uberkingkong Augur

    You'll enjoy it soon enough.

    Just think DX11, more capabilities. Do you have the new UI on or off? Very very very likely when DX11 is all said and done, the new UI will be really nice, and many of those that have it off will be turning it on.
    kevvlar and Zolav like this.
  9. kevvlar New Member

    I don't think so. I really am starting to believe they can't and won't admit that and hope somebody in the community comes up with a solution to save their butts. Best thing for their bottom line is to admit it, REVERT and go back to beta wih it till they come up with a more stable/ user friendly version,,,
    Iven likes this.
  10. kevvlar New Member

  11. Pickter New Member

    Is there a solution from what was posted that will fix the following?

    I play in fullscreen, and each time before selecting "enter world" alt-enter to make it full screen to avoid any UI issues. With the same process now and this patch, it seems like there is two instances of EQ running. Once I try to alt-tab out of EQ, to let's say EQresource, it shows me the windowed mode of EQ, goes black and puts me back to the original EQ fullscreen version.

    To avoid this - I have to switch to windowed mode and can alt tab successfully. Eventually it locks up again and every time there is an alt-tab - black screen, back to EQ instance, black screen, back to EQ instance, switch to window mode via options, see my chat is all messed up, alt-tab out to successfully get to the next window.

    My resolution is the 1920x1080 it seems but loading comes with the boarders which is why i just switch to the full screen which results in XXX_Windowed UI layouts and I switch to full screen to get rid of the boarders. Just for reference.
  12. Captain Video Augur

    This change went in some time prior to the DX11 rollout, and the two things aren't supposed to be connected at all. DPG is forcing literally everyone to launch the client in windowed mode, and the launcher is now coded to ignore any user settings for launching fullscreen which may be in the eqclient.ini file. They clained this change solved lauching issues for specific users, but I never saw any technical explanation for why. Alt-Enter at the character select screen is the workaround, and that action in itself should not be causing any DX11-related issues.
  13. Iven Suggestions Bard

    There is no solution for that other than playing in windowed mode. I have the same problem with the old UI engine. When you Alt-Tab out, it does not change into windowed mode, it does only show a ghost window. It is a Windows 10 bug and called "task/window losing focus". However it is totally related to the last game update.
  14. Evurkvest Augur

    There was a report about this issue that was marked as “Not A Bug”. So, switching to fullscreen in game and keeping your saved chat window layout is not intended. Sounds just right to me :)
  15. Captain Video Augur

    As I said in my previous post, switch fo fullscreen at character select, before your window layout is loaded. The game keeps separate window layouts for each character for windowed vs. fullscreen. It will not automatically resize or reposition windows for you when you switch modes in-game, it has never worked that way. You must place your windows when you are in fullscreen mode, and then the game saves those settings for when you enter the game again in fullscreen from the character select screen.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They have confirmed this as a bug, but so far no fix. It is doing my head in so I hope they sort it soon. More annoying I bugged this in beta and they did sweet FA to fix it.
  17. Lodestar The Undefeated